The EN 55032 standard applies to multimedia equipment with an AC or DC rated voltage not exceeding 600V, which is information technology equipment, audio equipment, video equipment, broadcast reception equipment, entertainment light control equipment or a combination of the above.
Products previously covered by EN 55013 and EN 55022 are also covered by EN 55032. Multimedia equipment whose primary purpose is professional use is also covered by this standard.
Extended information:
For almost all EU product directives, the directives usually provide manufacturers with several modalities for CE marking (Conformity). The CE marking is a modification of the Conformity Assessment Procedures (CAP), which allows the manufacturer to choose the most suitable modality according to their own situation. Generally speaking, CE marking mode can be divided into the following nine basic modes,
Model A: Internal Production Control (self-declaration) (Module A: Internal Production Control)
Model Aa: Internal Production Control, plus third-party testing (Module Aa: Intervention of a Notified Body)
Model Aa: Internal Production Control, plus third-party testing (Module Aa: Intervention of a Notified Body) Module Aa: Intervention of a Notified Body (Module B: EC Type-examination)
Module B: EC Type-examination (Module B: EC Type-examination)
Module C: Conformity to Type (Module C: Conformity to Type)
Module D: Production Quality Assurance (Module D: Production Quality Assurance)
Module D is a self-claimed, self-assessed, and self-certified production control system. Production Quality Assurance)
Module E: Product Quality Assurance
Module F: Product verification
Modules G: Unit Verification (Module G: Unit Verification)
Module H: Full Quality Assurance (Module H: Full Quality Assurance)
Based on the different combinations of these basic modes, several other different modes may be derived. In general, no single model can be applied to all products. In other words, it is not always possible for a manufacturer to choose any of these models for CE marking of its products.
The European Union's Product Directive allows manufacturers of certain categories of products with a lower risk level (Minimal Risk) to choose to CE mark their products in Mode A: "Internal Control of Production (Self-Declaration)". The CE marking is done in Mode A: "Internal Production Control (Self-Declaration)".
Products with a higher risk level must go through the intervention of a third-party certification body, NB (Notified Body). For products with a higher level of risk, their manufacturers must choose a mode other than Mode A, or Mode A plus another mode to achieve CE marking. In other words, a third-party certification body, NB (Notified Body), must be involved.
Models other than Mode A usually require at least one EU-recognized Notified Body (NB) to be involved in part or all of the certification process. Depending on the model, the NB may be involved in the certification process in the following ways: sample testing, sample testing, factory inspection, annual inspection, different quality system audits, and so on, and issue the corresponding test reports, certificates, etc. The NB may also be involved in the certification process in a number of ways.