Takayuki Yamada, general manager of Santen Pharmaceutical (China) Co., Ltd. said that in other countries, the glaucoma market is generally the largest market. And in China, glaucoma is only in the fourth or fifth position. This is a side note that there are still many potential glaucoma patients who are not receiving treatment or medication. The fact is also true that although the number of glaucoma patients in China is huge, the treatment situation is not optimistic. According to some data, the coverage rate of glaucoma diagnosis in China is only about 10%. The lack of patient awareness is one of the major problems facing glaucoma treatment. In addition, there is a shortage of ophthalmologists and a lack of ophthalmic products.
The goal of glaucoma treatment is to prevent further damage to visual function and to improve patients' quality of life. Currently, the only proven treatment that can effectively control the progression of glaucoma is to lower the intraocular pressure (IOP), and PGs have become the first-line drugs for open-angle glaucoma in many domestic and international guidelines due to their outstanding IOP-lowering effect, safety, and patient compliance. Among them, Tepros Eye Drops launched by Sentinel Ophthalmic Solution is the preferred drug for patients with open-angle glaucoma and high IOP. It has a unique structure, with an affinity for FP receptors 12 times higher than that of latanoprost; a strong pressure-lowering function, with a range of IOP lowering up to 37.2%, and up to 91.2% of patients with a drop of more than 20% in IOP; and a smooth and long-lasting 24-hour sustained and smooth control of fluctuations in IOP of patients with glaucoma; High safety, the degree of conjunctival congestion is lower than other PG drugs.
And, on November 28, 2019, Tepros Eye Drops were formally included in the National Health Insurance Catalog through national negotiation, as the first-line anti-glaucoma drugs in the National Health Insurance Catalog and without health insurance payment limitations, and the price paid for Tepros Eye Drops by the health insurance was also significantly reduced to 74.8 yuan.
In addition to the above, Ginseng Eye Drops has been actively carrying out a series of activities to raise public awareness of glaucoma. In March 2020, during the World Glaucoma Week, Ginseng Eye Drops carried out a series of activities in the form of online live broadcasts in Japan, China, other countries in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and the United States under the theme "Patient-Centeredness," with the aim of raising public awareness and preventing glaucoma and encouraging people to be aware of glaucoma, and to promote public awareness and prevention. awareness and prevention, and to promote early detection of glaucoma.
In June, the 2020 Glaucoma "Cloud" Summit was held in Shanghai, where renowned experts, scholars, and mainstream media from the field of ophthalmology attended to share the latest academic research results in the field of glaucoma and discuss in-depth issues such as optimal diagnosis and treatment strategies for glaucoma, improvement of doctors' diagnosis and treatment techniques in the field of glaucoma, and the public's awareness of glaucoma. The conference also discussed the optimization of glaucoma diagnosis and treatment strategies, the improvement of doctors' diagnosis and treatment techniques in the field of glaucoma, and the public awareness of glaucoma.
Samadhi Eye Drops hopes that through the cooperation with the media and the experts of the Society, ****together, we can promote the enhancement of public awareness of glaucoma, so that more glaucoma patients can be diagnosed at an early stage, and to reduce the economic and life burden of blindness due to glaucoma for the society and their families.
It is believed that in the future, Santen Ophthalmic Solution will continue to develop and introduce more abundant and better quality ophthalmic products, and dedicate itself to providing glaucoma patients with a total solution, including from medication to surgical treatment devices, from single-prescription medication to combination medication, and from mild to moderate and severe glaucoma treatment programs, etc.
The company will also continue to develop and introduce more and more high-quality ophthalmic products.