Word formation: sentences with scrap (about 30)

Scrap Pinyin: fei pin

Scrap Explanation: (1) A product that does not meet factory specifications. (2) Items that are broken, old, or have lost their original value of use ~buyout.

Scrap sentence: 1. There is a man who comes to collect scrap at regular intervals.

2. Because he works very carefully, he has not produced any scrap for six years in a row.

3, Manufacturers say a reasonable rate for collecting and disposing of scrap should be 25 to 30 cents a pound.

4, This result may improve understanding of the safety of levees, scrap storage, or any other place where fluids can seep through the ground.

5, *** workers with blowtorches accompanied the police in cutting up illegal mining equipment and either confiscating it or distributing it as scrap for farmers to sell.

6. The United States still makes equipment for large investment programs, so when China builds scrap plants, subways and airports, there is an export market for American turbines and heavy bulldozers.

7. To best understand and correct problems in manufacturing, one needs to examine the scrap heap.

8, Households use as much of the debris waste around them as possible, and some people place bent window frames on the back of their bicycles, ready to be sold for scrap.

9. They also mentioned that as technology continues to improve, manufacturers are constantly eliminating and updating their designs, making outdated appliances the scourge of an expanding scrap system.

10. Under the original Paulson program, the Treasury could have done this by purchasing "toxic waste" at prices far in excess of its true value - and for no return.

11. They didn't know that the "junk" contained a source of high radiation used to treat cancer patients.

12. That said, the program lacks detail, and detail is critical. At what price will taxpayers receive a portion of that "toxic waste"?

13. Many cities have electrical recycling sites where you can dispose of recyclable electrical waste.

14. But keep track of scrap and rework, and mitigate other risks.

15, Many companies have adopted realistic business practices that increase effectiveness and reduce the amount of industrial scrap.

16, The benefits of reusing scrap can transform healthcare around the world.

17, Johns Hopkins researchers led by Martin Makary discuss waste products in the March issue of Academy Medicine.

18, He said he believes that biodiesel, produced from oilseed crops and recycled waste products, is the "most promising" clean fuel.

19, there are many ways to reuse waste products.

20. Without good infrastructure, a large amount of agricultural products may become waste.

21, I don't think of scrap as something that should be thrown away, but as a source of real economic value.

22, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) said in a notice posted on its Web site last month that the regulations are based on China's Law on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste. A spokesman for the MEP declined to comment.

23. In Bangladesh's Chittagong harbor, workers dismantle a cargo ship so that each part can be sold as scrap.