Abstract: Occupational Hazards and Protective Measures for Operating Room Nurses - Essay.com
Keywords: Operating Room, Nurses, Occupational, Hazards, and Factors
The operating room nurses are a group of people engaged in special nursing care in a special working environment. The special environment of the operating room makes the nurses often exposed to some dangerous factors, which threaten the health of the nurses in the operating room. Therefore, as a nurse working in the operating room, first of all, we must correctly recognize the possible risk factors in the operating room, and continuously improve self-protection consciousness and strengthen their own protection in order to ensure their own safety and the smooth progress of daily work.
1 occupational hazards of operating room nurses
1.1 Physical hazards due to
1.1.1 The hazards of rays: there is information that confirms that: rays can stimulate the ionization of gases in the air, resulting in nitrogen compounds, ozone,
free radicals and other harmful substances, a small amount of repeated exposure to rays can be carcinogenic or teratogenic.
1.1.2 Hazards of ultraviolet light and ozone: ultraviolet light is a common disinfection method for air disinfection in the operating room. Ultraviolet light can break down the oxygen molecules in the air into ozone, ozone is a strong oxidant, the skin mucous membranes and lung tissues have a strong irritation, long-term exposure can cause keratitis, conjunctivitis and skin erythema, emphysema and fibrosis of lung tissue.
1.1.3 Noise Hazard: Noise has significant damage to human hearing: hearing loss; damage to the cardiovascular system: vascular smooth muscle sensitivity to vasoconstrictor substances increases. Vasoconstriction, resulting in increased blood pressure; on the endocrine system also has an impact: irritability, judgment and persistent memory loss, reduce flexibility, resulting in energy dispersion, work is prone to error. Noise more than 50 decibels can affect people's rest and sleep, the sound level of 7090 decibels, will make people feel bored, affecting the efficiency of learning and work, noise long-term stimulation can cause deafness, the body's plant nervous disorders and endocrine dysfunction and so on. The average noise in the operating room should be 60-65 decibels, which is the highest level allowed in the body 8h, but often reaches 90 decibels. Therefore, the operating room belongs to the section of serious noise pollution. The noise in the operating room mainly comes from the noise of the monitor, high-frequency electrosurgical knife, ultrasonic cleaning machine and so on.
1.2 Chemical Hazard Factors
1.2.1 Hazards of various types of chemical disinfectants: such as formaldehyde, ethylene oxide, glutaraldehyde, chlorine-containing disinfectants and so on. Long-term exposure to various chemical disinfectants, light skin irritation, causing contact dermatitis, rhinitis, asthma, etc., acute mass exposure can lead to pulmonary edema, at the same time can make the cell mutation, carcinogenic, teratogenic and so on.
1.2.2 Hazards of anesthesia gases: Trace amounts of anesthesia waste can have an impact on the hearing, memory, comprehension, ability to read numbers and the ability to operate the operating room staff. Prolonged exposure to the contaminated environment of trace anesthetic gases has triggered spontaneous abortion, fetal malformation and reduced fertility . Possible.
1.2.3 Hazards of antitumor drugs: it is very common for patients with malignant tumors to use antitumor drugs during surgery. Antitumor drugs can enter the body through the skin and the respiratory tract, damaging the normal cells and causing a drop in white blood cells, hair loss, irregular menstruation and so on. In addition, anti-tumor drugs can also run through the placenta, causing teratology and so on.
1.3 Biological hazards and accidental injuries: operating room nurses inevitably come into contact with the patient's blood, body fluids, excreta, etc. are easily infected with a variety of diseases in their daily work; sharp instruments, needles, and other inappropriate operation will occur blood-borne infections. Common human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), spirochete viruses, etc. can be directly transmitted due to sharp stab wounds. Studies have shown that 80.6% of occupational infections among medical workers are caused by sharp instrument stab wounds. Medical workers who are exposed to contaminated blood due to needlesticks or injuries have a risk of hepatitis B infection of 2% to 40% and hepatitis C infection of 3% to 10%. Electrical injury: the widespread use of high-frequency electric knife, electric drill and other equipment, greatly increasing the probability of nursing staff electric shock injury, electric burns.
1.4 Physiological and psychological factors: operating room nurses daily high mental tension, high concentration, fast pace of work, the work faced with high risk, high risk, high intensity, irregularity. Being in this environment for a long time makes many threats to operating room nurses. The heavy workload in the operating room can make the operating room workers cervical spondylosis and back injuries greatly increase the chances; at the same time, the operating room's fast pace of work, the need for a high degree of concentration, high-intensity work pressure tends to produce a sense of fatigue, affecting the quality of the surgical cooperation; long hours of continuous work and fasting, irregular diets and so on, easy to lead to the operating room nurses suffer from gastric ulcers, migraines, etc.; standing work for a long time leads to lower limb The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal on your own.
2 protective measures
2.1 Development of occupational exposure management system: according to the occupational protection of the existing problems, the development and improvement of occupational exposure of the treatment process and emergency response plan, improve the disinfection and isolation system, the development of the protection process, improve the protection of facilities, the establishment of the management system of sharpshooter injuries of health care personnel, treatment and reporting system.
2.2 Strengthen the knowledge of occupational safety and protection of health care personnel education: occupational safety education as the content of on-the-job training, the hospital should be regularly organized to carry out occupational safety-related knowledge training and learning, and assessment, in order to strengthen the occupational safety knowledge of health care personnel.
2.3 Implementation of strict self-protection measures: (1) prevention of physical hazards: the operating room should set up a special operating room for rays, and when rays are to be used for irradiation during the operation, under the premise of safeguarding the safety of the patients, nurses in the operating room should be temporarily avoided, and if they can not be avoided, they should be dressed in lead clothing beforehand. Nurses participating in surgery should be rotated regularly to avoid short-term large doses of radiation exposure. For pregnant operating room nurses should avoid exposure to radiation; in the operating room for ultraviolet disinfection, operating room nurses should be evasive; in the operating room to limit unnecessary conversation, to do the four light: talk light, walk light, operate light, close the door light. For medical appliances in the operating room, regular inspection and maintenance, timely elimination of obsolete equipment, the introduction of good performance, small sound equipment. (2) Prevent chemical hazards: chemical agents should be properly stored, placed in a cool, ventilated place, volatile agents to be sealed and stored. Disinfectant now with existing, the dose should be accurate, avoid large doses, use good protective measures; operating room to regular ventilation, so that anesthesia exhaust and other harmful gases discharged in a timely manner; in contact with anti-tumor drugs, we must strictly comply with the operating procedures, good protective measures, the use of the goods in a timely manner after the incineration process.
(3) prevention of biological hazards and accidental injuries: for surgical patients, preoperative good hepatitis B three system check and HIV determination and other related checks, identified as positive patients should be noted in the surgical notification form, so that the operating room staff can be early to know to take the appropriate protective measures; the operating room nurses should be regularly self-examined, and timely discovery of broken skin and mucous membranes, and timely treatment, timely measures The use of needles with protective design, cannula needles; do venipuncture or direct or indirect contact with the patient's blood, the staff should wear gloves as far as possible to operate, if not wearing gloves, after the operation to wash their hands in a timely manner, simple and effective hand-washing can remove more than 90% of microorganisms on the hands, the important links can be used to soak in disinfectant solution such as 75% alcohol or 0.5% iodine vapors. Participants in surgery always wear gloves preferably double gloves. Studies have shown that if a blood-contaminated steel needle pierces a layer of latex or polyvinyl gloves, the amount of blood contacted by the medical staff may be reduced by 50% compared with that of ungloved gloves. According to foreign reports, double-layer gloves perforation rate of 4.7%, of which the outer layer of 8.9%, the inner layer & lt; 0.5%, while the single-layer gloves perforation rate of 11.5%-50.0%; hand-washing nurses in the installation, preparation of scalpel blades, should use the tools, do not install with bare hands, to prevent accidental injury to themselves; scalpel, piercing needles, sewing needles, razor blades, hypodermic needles, and other sharp items placed in the operating table in a small bowl, not to be discarded; scalpels, puncture needles, suture needles, blades, injecting needles and other sharp items on the table Do not throw them away; during surgery, sewing needles, scalpels, syringe needles should be put into the curved tray to pass, to prevent accidental injury to others and themselves; do not reuse syringe needles to wear a protective cover, prohibit direct contact with hands after use of needles, razor blades and other sharps; needles, puncture needles, razor blades, sewing needles, etc. should be put into a sharps box after use, and covered with a lid to recycle, and carry out harmless treatment. After the use of sharps box, the incidence of needlestick to injury reduced by 50%; before the sharp objects are discarded, the sharps box should be inspected to determine that it is not full or the needle is not protruding, in order to prevent sharps injuries caused by transportation, etc..
2.4 Appropriate adjustment of nurses' work intensity and psychological pressure: in the work of the appropriate adjustment of hand-washing nurses and traveling nurses work, not only to ensure the continuity of the work, but also pay attention to alleviate the physical and mental fatigue of nurses due to the work, to ease the degree of tension. Let the operating room nurses pay attention to saving physical strength and energy and reducing ineffective labor. Managers should rationally design processes to ensure efficient work in the operating room. You can play soft and gentle music in the operating room, so that the operating room nurses to relax physically and mentally, for the operating room nurses to create a relaxing and pleasant working environment, at the same time in the rest of the work so that the operating room nurses to learn to adjust their own, and actively do a good job in the operating room nurses' mental health maintenance.
3 Summary
The development of medical science has promoted the progress of nursing. In medical work, the nursing career occupies a very important position. Therefore, to protect the occupational safety of nursing staff is an important issue in today's medical and health care work. For the special working environment of operating room, operating room nurses face many threats of occupational injuries due to various occupational factors and working environment. Although many hospitals have taken some measures to reduce the occurrence of injuries, but as a nurse working in the operating room should strengthen their own sense of protection, only this is the most important way to reduce the occurrence of injuries.
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