Can photorejuvenation control oil and acne?

When we understand photorejuvenation, is it often IPL, OPT, AOPT the three letters of the alphabet, confused, in fact, we just need to remember two points will be enough:

1, M22 is the machine

2, OPT, AOPT is the technology, both of which are in fact based on the IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) derived from the technology.

What does it mean, the equivalent of IPL is a radish, we have to have a radish this thing, in order to make dried radish (OPT), radish roasted meat (AOPT) such dishes, this analogy may not be appropriate, but probably this is the meaning.

Different wavelengths of light, the depth of action on the skin

OPT, AOPT are the United States of America, the company launched the intense pulsed light technology, we just know that, better than the traditional intense pulsed light treatment experience, on the line.

We commonly known as ultra-photon, which is the latest AOPT technology, the addition of vascular and acne-specific filters, for doctors to operate, more convenient.

Super photorejuvenation

As such, super photorejuvenation, can get rid of acne,

Then there is no acne-specific filters opt, can not cure acne?

Of course not,

Medical equipment updates may be more convenient and accessible for doctors.

But more important to the patient is the skill of the person using the tool, the doctor.

The doctor's control of the patient's condition, the dialysis of the basic principles of the instrument, and the control of the treatment process at any time changes may occur, for the candidate, the results are the most important.