What is the phone number of CNOOC Sales (Jiangmen) Co., Ltd.?

The contact information of CNOOC Sales (Jiangmen) Co., Ltd.: company phone number 0750-3097305, company email chenwj36@cnooc.com.cn, the company has 6 contact information in Aiqizha***, among which There are 2 phone numbers.

Company introduction:

CNOOC Sales (Jiangmen) Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company established in Pengjiang District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province on October 25, 2016. Its registered address is in Jiangmen City No. 2102, 21st Floor, No. 131 Yingbin Avenue Middle, Pengjiang District.

Xu Weihua, the legal representative of CNOOC Sales (Jiangmen) Co., Ltd., has a registered capital of 60 million (yuan) and is currently in business.

View more business information and information of CNOOC Sales (Jiangmen) Co., Ltd. through Aiqicha.