Jiangsu Dailuo Medical Industrial Park belongs to which district

Enterprises know the data show that Jiangsu Dailuo Medical Industrial Park is located in Kunshan City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province (Kunshan, Suzhou City, Xingpu Road No. 108), covers an area of about 21 acres, as of now there are 7 enterprises in the park ****, including Jiangsu Dailuo Medical Science and Technology Company Limited, Kunshan Xiangchuang Leasing Service Company Limited, Jiangsu Dailuo Medical Equipment Sales Company Limited and so on.

Jiangsu Dailuo Medical Industrial Park enterprises have 28.6% distribution in the special equipment manufacturing industry, 28.6% distribution in the wholesale industry. Among them, enterprises with registered capital of more than ten million dollars include Jiangsu Dailuo Medical Technology Co.

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