About serial communication

Using serial port for data communication plays an important role in the communication field. Using RS232-RS485 to collect and transmit data signals is another hot spot of VC programming. Serial communication is widely used in communication software. Such as telephone, fax, video and various controls. Among all kinds of development tools, VC is recommended as the development tool because of its powerful and flexible functions and Microsoft's greatest support. However, industrial serial communication is different from ordinary serial communication programs, because most control peripherals transmit hexadecimal data (byte type), so in order to improve the stability of program operation, the work of transmitting byte type data can be ignored when writing programs for communication.

At present, there are probably two popular serial communication methods: one is to use CMSCOMM control provided by Microsoft to communicate, but now many programmers feel that this method should be abandoned. The second is to use WINAPI function programming, which is the most difficult and requires you to master a lot of API functions. The third is to write with some serial communication controls provided above the network, such as the CSerial class.

Plan implementation:

After the development and practice of many projects, I found that using WIN API function to develop serial port can give programmers great control and the program is stable. Therefore, I will encapsulate the functions that contact with the serial port, and then call them in various projects, and the effect is still relatively good. Now I will list the functions and calling methods, hoping to help you.

First, set up the serial port related work

# Define Maximum Block 2048

# Define XON 0x 1 1

# Define XOFF 0x 13

BOOL SetCom(HANDLE & amp; M_hCom, const char *m_sPort, int BaudRate, int Databit, CString parity, CString stop bit).


COMMTIMEOUTS timed out; ///Serial output time timeout setting

DCB dcb/// Devices matching the port

m_hCom=CreateFile(m_sPort,GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,0,NULL,


NULL); //Open the serial port in an overlapping way.

If(m _ hCom = = invalid handle value)


AfxMessageBox ("Setting the serial port part, serial port opening failed"); ////Overlapping asynchronous communication (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) function failed.

Returns FALSE


SetupComm(m_hCom,MAXBLOCK,max block); //Set the buffer

memset(& amp; Timeout, 0, sizeof);

Time out. ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD// Setting the interval timeout to the maximum and the total timeout to 0 will cause ReadFile to return immediately and complete the operation.

Time out. ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; //Read time coefficient

Time out. ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0; //Read time constant

Time out. WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 50; //Total timeout = time coefficient * number of characters required for reading and writing+time constant

Time out. WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 2000; //Set the WriteComm timeout to specify

SetCommTimeouts(m _ hCom & amp; Timeout); //Waiting time of //GetOverlappedResult function */

If (! GetCommState(m_hCom,&DCB)//Devices with serial port opening mode, port and baud rate matching the port.


AfxMessageBox("GetCommState failed ");

Returns FALSE


Dcb.fParity = TRUE// Allow parity.

dcb.fBinary = TRUE

if(parity=="NONE ")

dcb。 Parity = NOPARITY

If (parity = = "odd number")

dcb。 Parity = odd parity;

If (parity = = "even number")

dcb。 Parity = EVENPARITY

If (stopbit = "1")//Set the baud rate.

dcb。 StopBits = ONESTOPBIT

//if(stopbit=="0")// Set the baud rate.

// dcb。 StopBits = NONESTOPBIT

If(stopbit=="2")// Set the baud rate.

dcb。 StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS

BOOL m _ bEcho = FALSE///

int m _ nFlowCtrl = 0;

BOOL m _ bNewLine = FALSE///

dcb。 Podrat = Podrat; //Baud rate

dcb。 ByteSize = Databit// bits per byte

//Hardware flow control settings

dcb . foutxctsflow = m _ nFlowCtrl = = 1;

dcb . frts control = m _ nFlowCtrl = = 1? RTS _ CONTROL _ HANDSHAKE:RTS _ CONTROL _ ENABLE;

// XON/XOFF flow control settings (software flow control! )

dcb . finx = dcb . foutx = m _ nFlowCtrl = = 2;

dcb。 XonChar = XON

dcb。 XoffChar = XOFF

dcb。 XonLim = 50

dcb。 XoffLim = 50

if(SetCommState(m_hCom,& ampdcb))

Returns the communication port setting of true////com.



AfxMessageBox ("serial port has been opened, setting failed");

Returns FALSE



Second, read the serial port operation:

int ReadCom(HANDLE hComm,BYTE inbuff[],DWORD & ampnBytesRead,int ReadTime)


DWORD lrc/// vertical redundancy check

DWORD end time; ///////Unlock

Static overlapping ol;

int ReadNumber = 0;

int numCount = 0; //Control the number of readings

DWORD dwErrorMask,nToRead

COMSTAT comstat

ol。 Offset = 0; ///Byte offset from the beginning of the file

ol。 offset high = 0; ///The high-order word of byte offset that starts to transmit data can be ignored by the calling process in pipeline and communication.

Ol.hEvent = NULL////Identifies the event and sets it to the signal state when the data transmission is completed.


end time = GetTickCount()+read time; //GetTickCount () retrieves the time (in milliseconds) taken by the system to start here.

for(int I = 0; I & lt2000; i++)

in buff[I]= 0;

Sleep (reading time);

ClearCommError(hComm & amp; dwErrorMask & amp; comstat);

nToRead=min(2000,comstat . cbin que);

if(int(nto read)& lt; 2)

Go to loop;

If (! ReadFile(hComm,inbuff,nToRead,& ampnBytesRead & amp; ol))


if((LRC = GetLastError())= = ERROR _ IO _ PENDING)



end time = GetTickCount()+read time; //GetTickCount () retrieves the time (in milliseconds) taken by the system to start here.

And (! GetOverlappedResult(hComm & amp; ol & amp; NBytesRead, FALSE))// This function retrieves the results of overlapping operations.


if(GetTickCount()& gt; End time)






Loop: returns 0;


Third, write serial commands.

int WriteCom(HANDLE hComm,BYTE out ff[],int size,int bWrite[])


DWORD nBytesWrite,endtime,lrc

Static overlapping ol;

DWORD dwErrorMask,dwError

COMSTAT comstat


ol。 Offset = 0;

ol。 offset high = 0;

Ol.hEvent = NULL////Identifies the event and sets it to the signal state when the data transmission is completed.

ClearCommError(hComm & amp; dwErrorMask & amp; comstat);

If (! WriteFile(hComm,Outbuff,size & amp; nBytesWrite & amp; ol))


if((LRC = GetLastError())= = ERROR _ IO _ PENDING)


end time = GetTickCount()+ 1000;

And (! GetOverlappedResult(hComm & amp; ol & amp; nBytesWrite,FALSE))


dwError = GetLastError();

if(GetTickCount()& gt; End time)


AfxMessageBox ("It takes too long to write the serial port, and the number of data in the serial port sending buffer is empty at present");




Continue; //Return the result normally when it is not completely read.



//Error occurred, try to recover!

ClearCommError(hComm & amp; dwError & amp; comstat);







PurgeComm(hComm,PURGE _ tx clear);

b write = 0;



Fourth, the calling method is very simple, just simply set your serial port parameters. For example:

BOOL Main_OpenCom()// Set up Com


Int Boundrate = 9600// baud rate.

CString stop bits = " 1 "; //Stop bit

int DataBits = 8; //data bits

CString Parity = "ODD// parity

CString m _ Port = " com 1 ";

Returns SetCom(m_hCom 1, m_Port, Boundrate, DataBits, Parity, stopbits);


void Main()


Int size;

DWORD BytestoRead = 52 * Count+6; //to 1 1 byte.

int b write[2];

int ReadTime = 2000

BYTE out ff[ 12]= { 0xff,0x00,0xea,0xff,0xea,0x ff,0,0,0,0,0 };

SIZE = sizeof(out buff);

WriteCom(m_hCom,Outbuff,SIZE,b write);

ReadCom(m_hCom,m_Inbuff,BytestoRead,read time);

//Unpack Xiangyin.
