New achievements in the construction of the motherland

Buckling up for life"

Safety is one of the key areas of supervision by the Party and the government, and the introduction of the Work Safety Law, reform of the national safety supervision system, and severe penalties for violations of the law have received widespread attention. However, the situation of production safety in China is still grim, with many accidents in coal mines and other high-risk industries. In accordance with the medium- and long-term goal of production safety, by 2007, China will have established a more complete safety supervision system, the national production safety situation will steadily improve, the key industries and areas of the accident-prone situation will be reversed, the number of deaths in accidents in industrial and mining enterprises, coal mines million-ton mortality rate, the death rate of 10,000 vehicles on the road traffic and other indicators will be reduced by a certain margin.

Children can afford to go to school

In 2004, China's average number of years of education for the population over 15 years old was 8.3 years, exceeding the world average by one year. However, only 7.2% of education employees have received higher education, and the investment in education is still seriously insufficient. 2006, the popularization and consolidation of compulsory education in rural areas will become the top priority of education work. Financial expenditure on education will increase more than financial expenditure, teachers' salaries and per-pupil public funds will gradually increase, and problems of immediate concern to the people, such as poor school conditions, operational difficulties and arbitrary fees, will gradually be resolved. By 2010, the population coverage rate of nine years of compulsory education will be close to 100 percent.

Seeing a doctor's heart comfortable

The past five years, China's medical and health care breakthrough rely on the government's single development model, is the fastest period of development since the founding of New China. But the medical system, there are still many obstacles to the mechanism, public medical institutions one-sided pursuit of economic interests of the tendency is serious, minor illnesses, "big prescription", "indiscriminate examination", difficult to see a doctor, expensive to see a doctor has become a strong reflection of the problem. 2006, the pilot surface of the new rural cooperative medical system will be expanded to include a new type of medical care. In 2006, the pilot surface of the new rural cooperative medical system will be expanded to 40%, the masses of the phenomenon of poverty due to disease, poverty will be further curbed; the State will implement the necessary funding to support the construction of rural health centers and county hospitals, to provide farmers with safe, inexpensive basic health care services; the development of community health services will provide basic medical services for low-income people in the city to protect.

Drinking water and eating meat with confidence

In 2005, in order to strengthen pollution control and ecological protection, and promote the prevention and control of pollution in key watershed areas, and focus on solving the serious health and safety of the people's health of environmental pollution, in particular water pollution, air pollution and other issues, the state closed down the 15 kinds of waste of resources, pollution of the environment of the small enterprises, the implementation of industrial sources of pollution to meet the standards of discharge within a limited period of time. In 2006, letting people drink clean water and breathe fresh air has become one of the important goals of governments at all levels. The country has made it clear that by the end of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", China's energy consumption per unit of GDP to reduce by about 20% compared to the end of the "Tenth Five-Year Plan", the construction of an environmentally friendly society has become more and more the whole society **** knowledge.

Supporting the "umbrella"

In the first 10 months of 2005, China's cumulative total of 8.8 million new urban employment, "Tenth Five-Year" period to achieve the goal of 40 million new urban employment has been achieved ahead of schedule. However, China has entered the peak period of growth of the working-age population, and in the next few years, the gap between the supply and demand of labor will still reach 13 to 14 million people each year. In the future, enterprises will not be allowed to focus on pushing surplus personnel into society, and the State will also establish an employment-oriented indicator system for vocational education and training institutions. "During the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period, 45 million new jobs will be created. Some discriminatory employment agreements will be banned. Optimizing the employment environment has become one of the key elements of the government's work.

Home ownership

In 2005, under the unified deployment of the State Council, a number of departments joined forces to regulate the real estate market, and the market order has improved. But for ordinary people, the price of commercial housing is still "high". With the central stabilization of housing prices policy implemented one after another, the real estate market will curb investment, control investment, guide reasonable consumption, stabilize housing prices in the direction of the expected goal, speculative home-buying behavior will be curbed, low- and middle-income groups of the housing problem will get more attention, housing prices will be in a wider range of the people docking.

Old age

Statistics show that the country's social insurance premiums for retirees have increased 119 times in 19 years. But at present, China's public **** pension coverage accounts for only 15 percent of the total population, a part of the retirees living in dire straits, the rural elderly basically do not enjoy social security. With the continuous improvement of the basic pension insurance system for enterprise employees, and with a focus on the participation of non-publicly owned enterprises, urban self-employed businessmen and flexibly employed persons, the scope of basic pension insurance coverage will be gradually expanded. The state gradually realize the pension insurance personal account, more and more people will live a life of old age, medical care.

***Enjoying the fruits of development

China's people's life in general has made a historic leap from subsistence to well-being, but the poorest people, who account for 20 percent of the country's total population, now earn or consume only 4.7 percent of the income, while the richest people, who account for 20 percent of the total population, earn or consume as much as 50 percent of the income. 2006 will see the government start by adjusting the national income distribution system and the structure of the country's fiscal expenditures. distribution system and the structure of state financial expenditures to establish a system of support and protection for agriculture, so that public **** services will benefit farmers; in the future, new financial resources will be focused on the countryside, agriculture and farmers, and the rate of growth will be much higher than the rate of growth of fiscal recurrent revenues; the development of the western part of the country, the revitalization of the old industrial bases in the northeast, and the promotion of the rise of central China, and other strategic initiatives, will also accelerate **** the same affluent pace.

Migrant workers get their wages in time

With the Party and the government attaching great importance to the issue, actions to clear the arrears of migrant workers' wages have been launched one after another around the country. As of September 2005, a total of 141 billion yuan, or 75.82 percent of the total amount in arrears, had been paid for projects completed before 2003 nationwide. However, the phenomenon of disregarding and infringing on the interests of migrant workers still occurs from time to time, and the working environment has yet to be fundamentally improved; in 2006, it has become incumbent upon governments at all levels to make sure that migrant workers receive their wages in full and on time. With the state to effectively strengthen the supervision of enterprises, owners will be further standardized behavior, under construction and new projects will be curbed in the phenomenon of wage arrears; farmers into the city to work in a more relaxed environment.

More quality of life

Statistics show that the average rate of urban and rural residents traveling in China has reached 84.8 percent, and cultural products are also greatly enriched. However, compared with the rising spiritual and cultural needs of the people, the cultural service network is still very unsound, and the high ticket prices of some attractions still make the people "shy away from the scenery. 2006, so that ordinary people can afford to see the scenery, to enjoy a better quality of life, leaving the government with more space for reflection and efforts. With the promotion of cultural system reform, the people will enjoy increasingly perfect cultural services; in the countryside, the popularity of theaters, cultural centers, libraries and other facilities, will be the farmers of the traditional concept of daily life greatly expanded.

New China's Aerospace Industry Makes Remarkable Achievements

Over the past 55 years since the founding of New China, China's aerospace industry has made remarkable achievements from scratch, from small to large, under the gracious care and correct leadership of several generations of leaders of the Party and the country.

China's aviation industry has developed and produced dozens of types, more than 10,000 aircraft of various types, and exported hundreds of aircraft and many supporting engines, airborne equipment and production lines; a relatively complete range of specialties, scientific research, testing, production means of the basic supporting the aviation industry system has been formed; to the breakthrough in the new regional jets, regional jets, general-purpose aircraft, helicopters, aircraft engines, etc., development and production The development and production of regional airplanes, general-purpose airplanes, helicopters, and aviation engines have taken new steps.

China's space industry has successfully developed a variety of application satellites, including scientific test satellites, meteorological satellites, resource satellites, communication satellites, navigation satellites, etc., and has successfully developed 12 types of Long March series carrier rockets, which have carried out 81 launches, and sent 61 Chinese satellites, 5 airships, and 30 foreign satellites into the space; especially the successful launch and retrieval of the Shenzhou V manned spacecraft last year, marking the successful launch and retrieval of China's Shenzhou V manned spacecraft. The successful launch and recovery of Shenzhou V marked China's becoming the third country in the world to realize manned spaceflight; China has become one of the few major countries in the world that independently masters space technology, and has also actively explored in the fields of space applications and space sciences, making positive contributions to the development of human spaceflight.

At the same time, China's aerospace industry has cultivated a team of scientific and technological talents who are superb in their work, of good quality, and who dare to fight tough battles. The spirit of "two bombs and one star" and the spirit of manned spaceflight that have been formed during the long period of unremitting struggles have been and will continue to be a vivid embodiment of the spirit of the Chinese nation and an important impetus to the construction of an advanced culture in Chinese society. As vivid embodiments of the spirit of the great Chinese nation, they have played and will continue to play an important role in promoting the construction of advanced culture in Chinese society. (Gu Xinping, Li Qian)

Source: News and Publicity Center of the National Defense Science and Industry Commission (NDSC)