What is the phone number of Tianjin Recycling Resources Recycling Utilization Hexi Company?

Tianjin Recycling Resources Recycling Utilization Hexi Company contact information: the company's phone number 022-23023036, 公司邮箱hexizongheban@163.com, the company has 5 contact information in the Aiqiqi***, which has a phone number 1.

Company Profile:

Tianjin Recycling Resources Recycling Utilization Hexi Company is a limited liability company established on 1987-02-11 in the Hexi District of Tianjin City, the registered address is located in the Hexi District, No. 4, Jingzhongli, Dagu Road.

Tianjin Recycling Resources Recycling Utilization Hexi Company legal representative Lei Jinping, registered capital of 750,000 (yuan), is currently in business.

View more business information and information about Tianjin Recycling Resources Recycling Utilization Hexi Company through Ai Enterprise Search.