According to the Made in Japan White Paper 2017, Japan has identified 3D printing, artificial intelligence, automation and smart manufacturing, and the Internet of Things (IoT) as major areas for funding and policy support. Japan is aiming to realize a "connected industry," making full use of robots and artificial intelligence to create new added value through a variety of collaborations.
Along with the robotics revolution, Japan has set up an Internet of Things (IoT) laboratory, implemented more than 2,000 matching programs nationwide, and promoted cooperation between manufacturing companies and IT companies. At the industry association level, in order to promote "smart factories", the Japan Industrial Value Chain Promotion Association (JIVCA) has proposed the Japan Industrial Value Chain Program based on the existing foundation of the Japanese manufacturing industry, attracting more than 100 major companies such as Mitsubishi, Toyota, Hitachi, and Panasonic, in order to form a synergy to promote the future of Japan's smart manufacturing and industrial digitization.
South Korea has introduced the "Manufacturing Innovation 3.0" strategy to promote the integration of manufacturing and information technology (ICT), so as to create new industries and enhance the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. To this end, South Korea has formulated a long-term and short-term plan to vigorously develop 13 emerging power industries such as drones, smart cars, robots, smart wearables, smart medical care. South Korea will create 10,000 smart manufacturing factories by 2020, transforming 1/3 of the nation's factories employing more than 20 workers into smart factories. According to the South Korean government expects, through the implementation of the "manufacturing innovation 3.0" strategy, plans to South Korea's manufacturing exports will reach 1 trillion U.S. dollars by 2024, manufacturing competitiveness into the world's top 4.