Published: 18-09-1711:35 Shanghai Oriental Newspaper Co.
At present, most of the "traffic brain" application on the market is the traffic management business and its extension. The "traffic brain" rather than "traffic management brain" as the name, may not want to be limited to the traffic management industry, only, under the existing government investment mechanism, from the traffic management business into the survival of the choice had to do. However, the concept of "traffic brain" has been put forward for two years, the impression of the brain, still only the cloud, wisdom, such a lack of substantive content of the description, the public and social enterprises do not have much feeling.
Traffic brain, on the one hand, with the existing traffic management practitioners to compete for business, and repeatedly criticized by the industry; on the other hand, the public lack of experience and suspicion, the two sides of the attack so that the concept of gradual bubble. Even with constant media exposure to stimulate attention with new concepts, and attracting more investment from city governments, it's hard to stop the bubbling trend.
Many applications of the traffic brain mentioned, often using some cross-border terms or packaged terms, such as crowdsourced data, narrowband IoT, the future of transportation, urban computing, and so on, show off and advertising components are quite a lot, it is difficult to understand and differentiate between the various ideas put forward. However, for local governments eager to innovate and change the face of their cities, these words can be a reason to invest.
It's not clear what these words are and what they're meant to do, whether they're the realization of a public **** policy, a promise to serve the public, or a localized transportation improvement. Only, such a worry will not lead to serious consequences, in the current lack of data disclosure in the context of the eventual release of some self-talking achievements to declare victory is not difficult. However, the transportation brain, such as the need for healthy development, to avoid a flash in the pan, still need to clearly figure out what the concept in the end, the people can get what, so as to comfort the good government and business apprehensive heart, afford to cast down the financial funds.
What is the transportation brain?
Although each will use many pages of PPT to talk about what the traffic brain, however, in the list of big data analysis, metrics system, artificial intelligence algorithms, traffic optimization command and other business areas, there is still no organization with a clear and simple definition to speak clearly what the traffic brain.
Standing on the wind mouth of the industry, the introduction of the PPT is more and more like a cartoon to attract investment, who would like to use a few words to speak clearly? However, for rigorous engineers, what is not understood will always be questioned, but also come up with Intelligent Transportation System (Intelligent Transportation System, ITS) to make comparisons. Let's take a look at how Intelligent Transportation Systems make things clear in layman's terms.
An image from the web introducing the Transportation Brain. Image source "With artificial intelligence of the drop of the traffic brain can once again subvert the future travel experience? (/ai/140360.html)
Definition of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) on Wikipedia
The more commonly used definition of an ITS is: an advanced service designed to provide innovative services and applications related to multi-modal transportation modes and traffic management, allowing users to be better informed and have access to safer, more convenient, and smarter transportation.
Such a definition is clear and unambiguous; an ITS is a service, and what is the Transportation Brain? Is it a system, a service, software, an advertisement to attract government investment, or something else, there is a lack of clarity.
Traffic Brain uses the word traffic, and ITS uses the word transportation, two terms that are easily confused by the general public, then the biggest difference between the two concepts. The difference between traffic and transportation, a simple analogy, traffic refers to the "on the road", and transportation refers to the service, including the traffic that occurs on the road, but also includes a series of processes connecting the transportation hubs and customers entrusted with the transportation of goods and passengers.
Therefore, no matter how many brilliant words the traffic brain used, but its name on the expression had to huddle inside the intelligent transportation system. Internet companies shouting traffic brain, is not just focusing on the signal light business, and did not notice that the people want a complete and comfortable transportation services (travel to work, school, etc.), while the traffic thing is the traffic control, transport management department's business. Traffic control, transportation management business of the dividend, bring crooked Internet business ambitions. In fact, the real wind mouth is not in the traffic, but in the transportation industry, the Internet business is obviously standing in the wrong wind mouth.
In fact, it is not only the ambition that is distorted, but also the specific business content. Transportation phenomena, such as accidents, congestion, the root cause is not necessarily on the road, but also can not use the means of the road to improve the nature. For example, every day to cross the road a dozen times, from the probability of exposure of dangerous space, even if the measures are perfect, the probability of the role will occur, the danger is difficult to eradicate; Another example, there is no subway, there is no punctual and punctual public **** transportation services, the people driving is bound to become a necessity, and any ban on restrictive measures will cause antagonism and can not reduce the number of driving on the road. Traffic brain of artificial intelligence algorithms, traffic optimization command system and other gorgeous technology, can really solve or partially solve these problems?
The traffic management business is fat, and taking on more work is a way to survive. However, the traffic brain if you really want to help solve traffic problems, rather than under the banner of the Internet + change a vest integrators and software vendors, first of all, we must also answer the "traffic brain is what" question.
What does the traffic brain do, how to judge?
From the PPT, the traffic brain launched by various organizations is a hodgepodge of information technology and intelligent transportation system terms. Some universities and scholars follow the trend, so that the traffic brain to use the term more academic sense, make a fuss in general, but also make it difficult for government officials to identify the true and false.
But by talking about engineering and technology in such a pompous way, aren't you worried that you won't be able to do anything with it in the end?
These PPTs don't provide a means of judging, so perhaps we all understand that once the means of judging is out, the government will no longer be so willing to invest money; or perhaps after the transportation brain is led, it will no longer be part of the field of engineering and technology, and there will be no need for a means of judging.
Just what is the traffic brain used to do, how much money spent, is still a matter of concern to the people, how well done, should also be the government and taxpayers need to understand things.
China's traditional method of judgment, often with a long string of data as a conclusion, historical data and intermediate processes are not traceable. For example, some media reports say that the number of accidents in a certain place has dropped by 20% compared with the previous year since the adoption of certain measures; or that the people's satisfaction with transportation has increased by 10%. Such a method of judgment, even with the addition of a decimal point after the figure, will inevitably make people doubtful, and in the absence of real and effective public data, it is difficult to build public trust. Could it be that the brain is also going to meet the government's investment accounts with such a means of judgment?
Reliable judgment, there should be specific and feasible methods, but also real and credible data. For example, for the improvement of signaling, self-announcement to improve the efficiency of how much and will not let people believe, and the actual time spent on the road to understand the complete public, to let the people feel and their own experience is almost the same. Improvements in the field of transportation are not for the benefit of the administrators, but for the benefit of the users. What the traffic brain does, and should not only ask the managers, but should be more humble to listen to the voice of the people.
Some of the ostentatious applications of the traffic brain, such as setting up a management system that sprays water on the road to stop pedestrians from running red lights, or setting up signs with satellite map displays at intersections to make traffic guidance, these innovations are the things that the people need? And the government's investment should really be so invested?
Transportation technology should be aimed at public and commercial services, not the so-called cloud computing, artificial intelligence, or big data, the future of transportation. These terms, more like to sell servers to undertake the design business, but also appears to be a lack of self-confidence of the proponent. The real public service, called the brain or intelligent transportation system, is the technology around the human experience, whether it is safe, convenient, smooth, comfortable. The user's individual experience is recognized as more important than the self-aggrandizing data improvement.
Perhaps, the initial proposal of the traffic brain, is to hold the existing transportation technology dissatisfaction, which is in line with the expectations of the people. However, after lasting a year or two, what kind of experience the people get, this is still no feeling. If the traffic brain wants to distinguish itself from those obsolete ideas, it may as well sort out some of the people's concern about transportation problems, and then tell everyone in real terms to what extent the traffic brain will be improved. Only in this way, the traffic brain will be accepted by the people, otherwise, it is just a feast to hunt for government investment.
For example, whether the intersection signal lights can really shorten the time on the way to work, which requires real before and after data comparison; or you can check the real-time bus arrival schedule on your phone, so that passengers can verify whether they are on time; or the path of the mud trucks and big trucks to sort out, so that the private car driving safer.
Traffic brain, in essence, should be a service, can be a public **** service, can also be a commercial service, is the people or businessmen are willing to pay for the service.
What is missing from the traffic brain?
Many of the traffic brains launched by various companies on the market (including transportation schools in universities) lack a professional understanding of the transportation field, and are driven by interests and a lack of economic considerations.
The traffic brain launched by various institutions, too much focus on the show-off of new technologies, but also used a lot of moorings words, such as traveler information services, visualization and intelligent guidance. However, in the actual application, there is a clear lack of understanding of the connotation and extension under these terms, and do not understand the background of the generation of these terms and service objects. As a result, some jokes will be made, such as erecting a map display on the street to provide information services for travelers, but the driver may not have time to look at the signal lights, other vehicles and pedestrians, which will have the effort to carefully identify a map full of information, not afraid to cause traffic accidents?
Furthermore, Traffic Brain lacks a precise goal and a clear target audience.
The lack of a precise goal makes Traffic Brain more like a packaged deal. The proposed goals are too high, too beautiful and empty, such as the city's congestion reduction of 10%, 20% of the commitment, in the absence of a clear goal of the meaning and means of judgment before, this goal is more like a promise of selling.
The traffic brain launched by some organizations may initially be just to promote the cloud computing business, hoping to use cloud computing to drive the integration of government and public **** traffic data. However, if the government itself is not consciously and proactively combing data from its business and processes to improve its public **** service capabilities, then cloud computing does not do much, and at best it can only become the government's cloud archive, piling up some lackluster data.
Last year from Zhejiang Province to promote the national "most run once" government service commitment, in the vehicle management, driver management business, get frequent praise. The goal is clear and the service object is clear, is to guide the development of science and technology engine, but also let the data vibrant. And out of these two clear traffic brain, can only do to sell equipment software and sell PPT story, in addition to the various organizations to sell their own yell, it is difficult for the people to benefit.
From the essence of the service, fill in the form on paper and fill in the form on the phone is not much difference, the Internet can only help. The brain should have a soul, the soul is not in the Internet technology, but in the understanding of all kinds of people, all kinds of business real needs and the government's operating mechanism, and find a path to solve the problem.
In addition, the transportation brain lacks the low-cost and sustainable ideas of the whole life cycle.
Until there is a precise service goal, there is no way to talk about low cost and sustainability. Even if there is a precise service goal, if you can not pass the cost-benefit analysis, you should not go to do the application of traffic brain. For example, if tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars are invested in the construction of a signaling system, millions of dollars will be needed for maintenance every year. If these investments are only a few hundred times a year for the ambulance fire trucks and other special vehicles to open the green wave (open the green wave refers to the signal light all the way to the green light, unimpeded), can only say that it is too uneconomical, not as good as to transfer the money to the field of education, health care is more real.
Calculation, is the basis of engineering technology, transportation brain is still engineering technology, but also to calculate the whole life cycle of the account, look after the government's money. Unfortunately, the public has never seen the traffic brain's account book, and even, in the technical information of the traffic brain of each family, will not mention the account book this matter.
For the future of the traffic brain, if you can take the government investment as their own passbook in general, and seriously think about how to serve the people, rather than the mentality of the roundup, it is still an innovation worth looking forward to. China's current transportation problems are gradually formed, the current situation is the original knowledge system has a problem, otherwise the problem should have been solved long ago. The structural problems of the existing transportation knowledge, the need for new forces to change, even if the layman, there is a possibility of change.
The emergence of Traffic Brain and the power behind it is a force with the potential to change the status quo, which is why it is worth waiting for. Only, now the traffic brain either lack of confidence or blind confidence, or set in the cross-border, either to do the transportation industry's Internet experts, or do the Internet industry's transportation experts; or make a bunch of promises that can not be achieved, and then declare themselves to reach the goal. Although the Internet industry is young, these problems will inevitably be ridiculed by other industries.
With the power of these companies behind Traffic Brain, if they can gather enough experienced professionals, they will have the opportunity to reconstruct the knowledge of transportation and use this new knowledge to serve the people and promote social efficiency. To live up to the times, and to live up to the government's investment, this should be the ambition of the traffic brain should have.