Which installment of the Capital Masters Vento

Season 5, Issue 1.

Beijing City Masters is an wolverine killinginteractive competitive reality show broadcast live on the Hutong platform . The program invites many gaming anchors and werewolf killing gamers as guests to play werewolf killing games together. Beijing Masters Season 7 a **** tried three new version of the first pure white woman, pure white is a NetEase official wolf launched version, often play official wolf players should be very familiar with.

This board is currently not suitable for use in the Masters' face-killing game, due to the fact that the balance between net kills and face kills is completely different. On the Netkill app, the Pre-Woman Hunt Guard + Crushers board is a direct replacement of the Pre-Woman Hunt White mix from the Masters version with a Pre-Woman Hunt Guard mix. And the good guy win rate of the official wolf pure white board is even higher than the Crushers in the impression.

So this board might need to nerf the good guy role to fit in with the face-killing environment.?