What is radiation anyway? Why do people feel tired

Gold is not enough. Computer, as a modern high-tech products and electrical equipment, in bringing more convenience, efficiency and joy to people's lives at the same time, there are some unfavorable factors harmful to human health.

The computer on human health hazards, from the type of radiation, mainly including computers in the work of electromagnetic radiation (various electromagnetic rays and electromagnetic waves, etc.), sound (noise), light (ultraviolet, infrared radiation, as well as visible light, etc.) and other types of radiation "pollution".

From the point of view of the source of radiation, they include CRT monitor radiation sources, chassis radiation sources, as well as speakers, printers, copiers and other peripheral equipment radiation sources. One of the CRT (cathode ray tube) monitor imaging principle, determines that it is difficult to completely eliminate harmful radiation in the use of the process. Because it is working, its internal high-frequency electron gun, deflection coil, high-voltage packages and peripheral circuits, will produce such as ionizing radiation (low-energy X-rays), non-ionizing radiation (low-frequency, high-frequency radiation), electrostatic fields, optical radiation (including ultraviolet, infrared radiation and visible light, etc.) and other rays and electromagnetic waves. While the liquid crystal display is the use of physical properties of liquid crystal, its working principle is completely different from the CRT display, inherently radiation-free (negligible), environmentally friendly "health" type of display; chassis internal components, including high-frequency, power consumption of the CPU, with a large number of internal integration of transistors of the main chip of the card The various components inside the chassis, including high-frequency, power-consuming CPU, various boards with a large number of internal transistors integrated into the main chip, with high-speed DC servo motors of the CD-ROM drive, floppy drive and hard disk, a number of cooling fans and transformers inside the power supply, etc., when the work of the low-frequency electromagnetic radiation and noise interference. In addition, external speakers, copiers and other peripheral equipment radiation source is also a "source" can not be ignored. Some expert test results show that: computer chassis, LCD monitors, due to manufacturers specializing in the design of shielding radiation, the positive radiation is not very high, radiation is higher than the equipment is precisely the keyboard and mouse this kind of capacitive components without shielding equipment. Turn off and cut off the power of the computer, the computer components do not work, certainly will not produce any radiation.

From the point of view of the degree of harm, there is no doubt that electromagnetic radiation is the most harmful. Medical experts at home and abroad research shows that long-term, excessive electromagnetic radiation will cause direct harm to the human reproductive system, nervous system and immune system, is the main cause of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer mutation and cause pregnant women miscarriage, infertility, teratology and other lesions of the triggering factors, and can directly affect the minors of the body's tissues and bone development, caused by visual acuity, memory loss and decreased hematopoietic function of liver In addition, electromagnetic radiation can directly affect the development of minors' body tissues and bones, cause vision, memory loss and decrease of liver hematopoietic function, and lead to retinal detachment in serious cases. In addition, electromagnetic radiation is also a hidden danger to information security, the use of specialized signal receiving equipment can be received and deciphered, resulting in information leakage and unnecessary losses. Excessive electromagnetic radiation will also interfere with other electronic equipment around, affecting its normal operation and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems.

Therefore, electromagnetic radiation has been listed by the World Health Organization as the fourth largest source of environmental pollution following the water, air, noise, and become a hazard to human health of the invisible "killer", electromagnetic radiation has become an urgent need for protection.

Computer radiation electromagnetic radiation is usually thermal effects, non-thermal effects and stimulation of the organism to produce biological effects. Thermal effect has been familiar to everyone, the human body is a dielectric body, under the action of high-variable electric field is repeatedly polarized, intermolecular collision and friction to produce violent movement, the electrical energy into heat. There are also dielectric solutions in the body (such as body fluids, etc.), under the action of the electric field to produce conduction currents, the formation of different degrees of closed loop, resulting in local induction of heat flow, resulting in heating. High-frequency radiation, especially microwave radiation produces a more pronounced thermal effect. Microwave ovens, microwave therapeutic devices, etc. is the use of the thermal effect of radiation energy principle. Too much heat and long time to accept radiation will produce damage to the human body, low-frequency electromagnetic radiation thermal effect is not obvious. Non-thermal effects on brain cells, so that the cerebral cortex cells weakened the ability to form conditioned reflexes have been inhibited, prolonged exposure may cause nervous system function flocculation.

Experiments have shown that electromagnetic fields can shorten the sleep time of normal people by an average of 20 minutes. The United States Freiburg Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine Booth a study results, cell phone radiation to the subject's diastolic blood pressure increased by 10-20 millimeters of mercury. Stanford University and North Carolina Mi Integrated Laboratory Systems, Inc. studied four types of cell phones, the effect of radiation on a variety of animal cells. The results showed that radiation can cause chromosomal damage in animals. Effects on DNA genetic factors will lead to cellular cancer. The cerebral cortex of chicks and cats, irradiated by low-frequency modulated ultra-high-frequency and very-high-frequency electromagnetic waves, will precipitate calcium ions, which are indispensable substances for information transfer, immune system work and cell reproduction in living organisms. Experiments also found that low-frequency electromagnetic waves will make the animal pineal gland melatonin secretion changes, this hormone has an inhibitory effect on tumor cells, melatonin reduction can lead to changes in tissue molecules, leading to the onset of degenerative diseases.