Use of disposable gloves

●Medical Disposable Rubber Gloves:They are highly customized to fit the skin of the hand with superb comfort. After ethylene oxide sterilization treatment, they are suitable for aseptic operations with high risk of contact with blood or body fluids; operations involving sharp instruments, handling cytotoxic substances and disinfectants.

●Surgical sterilized rubber gloves:Sterile single use. Mainly used for operations requiring a high degree of asepsis such as surgical operations, labor and delivery, central catheter placement, and total parenteral nutrition fluid preparation.

1, laboratory personnel: disposable latex gloves comfortable hand, stable performance, excellent chemical resistance, can avoid chemical substances on the skin stimulation and injury, is the excellent choice for laboratory personnel.

2, medical care: as a barrier between the wearer and the patient, which is another important area of use of disposable latex gloves, is used to help first responders in the first aid to combat bloodborne pathogens and other diseases of the excellent choice.

3. Childcare: Some factories have on-site childcare workers. Employees at daycare centers wear gloves as a protective barrier between themselves and the children. Employees wear gloves when changing diapers, cleaning rooms, washing toys and feeding children.

4, food service industry: disposable latex gloves fit comfortably on the hand and are suitable for long periods of time, making them ideal for food processing and food service, of course PVC and PE gloves are an alternate choice, but are only suitable for light and short operations.

5, assembly line workers: in the face of harmful chemicals workers, such as in the battery manufacturing and processing plant workers face the hazards of lead, need to wear gloves at work.