What are the accounting entries for administrative units

Assets Section:Cash\Bank Deposits\Valuable Securities\Temporary Payments\Inventory Materials\Fixed Assets\Expenditures\Appropriated Funds\Carryover from Self-financed InfrastructureLiabilities Section:Amounts Due to the Budget\Accounts Due to the Fiscal Specialized Accounts\Temporary Deposits\Taxes Due\Fixed Funds\Balances\Specialized Balances\Appropriated Funds\Other Income and Other Income and Other ExpensesSecond Level Subjects:Basic Salaries\Subsidized Salaries\Employee Welfare Costs\ Social Security Fee\Official Fees\Equipment Acquisition Fee\Repair Fee\Trade Union Funds\Operating Fee\Hospitality Fee\Other Expenses etc. Official Fees Section Level Accounts: Office Fee\Postage and Telegraphy Fee\Water and Electricity Fee\Heating Fee\Travel Fee\Travel Fee\Vehicle and Vessel Insurance Fee\Conference Fee etc. If you are an accountant of the financial institution, please contact the Accounting Section of the Financial Institution of the current level to obtain the information of related laws and regulations, and then adopt the suitable accounts according to the situation of this organization. The subject.