The concept of first, second and third gears varies from region to region, taking the Shenzhen region as an example:
Shenzhen enterprise workers' medical insurance is divided into three gears: . Basic medical first grade, basic medical second grade and basic medical third grade, its contributions, treatment and adapt to the population are different.
1, contributions 1. basic medical first class (unit 6% + individual 2%) + local supplementary medical (unit 0.2%) + maternity medical (unit 0.5%), the contribution base for the employee's actual contribution to the wage (minimum of 3,131 yuan), the total contribution of 272 yuan.
2. Basic medical second class (unit 0.5% + individual 0.2%) + local supplementary medical (unit 0.1%) + maternity medical (unit 0.2%), the contribution base for the previous year's average monthly salary of on-the-job employees (now 5,218 yuan), the total contribution of 52.
3. Basic medical third class (unit 0.4% + individual 0.1%) + local supplementary medical (unit) 0.05%), the contribution base for the previous year's average monthly salary of on-the-job workers (now 5218), the total payment of 29 yuan.
Expanded information:
Social insurance refers to the state's legislation to mandatorily set up a social insurance fund Social insurance is not for profit. The main items of social insurance include old-age insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, industrial injury insurance, and maternity insurance.
1. Calculation standard of social insurance premiums
Social insurance must be based on the probability of occurrence of various risks and accidents, and according to the standard of payment of the total amount of payment expenses estimated in advance, to find out a certain percentage of the burden of the insured, as the standard for determining the insurance premium rate. Moreover, unlike commercial insurance, the calculation of social insurance premium rates needs to take into account more socio-economic factors in addition to risk factors in order to find a fair and reasonable rate.
2. Ways of collecting social insurance premiums
(1) Proportional premium system
This way is based on the insured's salary income, and a certain percentage is set so as to collect the premiums. The main purpose of social insurance is to compensate the insured for the loss of income during the period of risky accidents in order to maintain his/her minimum living standard. Therefore, it is necessary to refer to his/her income on which he/she usually depends for his/her living standard on the one hand, and the basis of premium calculation on the other hand.
The greatest defect of the proportional premium system based on work is that the burden of social insurance is directly linked to wages, and whether both employers and employees bear the burden of social insurance premiums or one of them, the burden of social insurance is expressed in an increase in the cost of labor, and the result will be the crowding out of labor by capital, which will cause an increase in unemployment.
(2) Equalization of Premiums
This means that the same amount of premiums is charged regardless of the income of the insured or the employer. The advantage of this system is that the calculation is simple, easy to implement; and the use of this method of collecting insurance premiums in the country, in its payment, generally also adopts the equalization system, has the meaning of income and expenditure are equal. But its defect is that low-income people and high-income people pay the same premiums, in terms of affordability is obviously unfair.