DGM identification is not for a certain product, but for shipping products. If your product is to be transported by air, DGM identification is required.
DGM Identification
DGM CHINA accepts the entrustment of the cargo owner and provides evaluation of the transported goods based on the physical and chemical properties, toxicological data, radioactive transport index, explosiveness, infectiousness and other data of the goods themselves. Hazard identification consulting services. This consulting service is based on IATA's "Dangerous Goods Air Transport Regulations" (DGR), and has passed flammable liquid flash point and viscosity tests, solid combustion tests, self-igniting and self-heating substance tests, flammable materials in contact with water, and oxidation tests that comply with IATA regulations. , corrosion test, battery destruction test and magnetic field strength measurement and other standard experiments, as well as on-site inspection of special goods such as automobiles, motorcycles, engines, cylinders, fire extinguishers, refrigerators, air conditioners, medical equipment, mechanical equipment, etc., and refer to DGM We will collect experience data from the headquarters and other branches and relevant data from authoritative databases, issue written appraisal results, and assume legal responsibility for the appraisal results.