The common manifestations of intelligent advertising mainly include the following:
1 Multi-sensory advertisement
Under the development direction of Internet Web3.0, the main form of intelligent advertisement is multi-sensory advertisement. The ability of human beings to experience the outside world comes from sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch and the sixth sense (subconscious). The first five senses are the senses that human beings can clearly convey feelings, emotions, thoughts or other experiences. Humans use these five senses at the same time when they perceive things. Therefore, in the spread of an experience, if the media mobilizes the senses of the audience, it will simulate the perception of more people. Obviously, if advertising information is spread through this analog medium, the effect of advertising will be greatly improved. In the era of Web3.0, the progress and comprehensive application of computer graphics, digital images, human-computer interaction, sensing equipment and artificial intelligence can create an immersive interactive environment based on computable information, which is "virtual reality". People naturally communicate with objects in the virtual environment through human-computer interaction equipment, resulting in feelings and experiences of "immersion" in the real environment.
2 automatic advertising
With the further intelligentization of online advertising, more and more intelligent advertising publishing systems have appeared on the Internet. This advertising system can automatically choose where to place advertisements according to some specific factors. These factors include user information, site analysis, page content and past performance of advertisements. With the acceleration of the pace of Web3.0, the development of online advertising is further intelligent.
3 intelligent search engine advertising
Intelligent search engine, known as the third generation search engine, is a brand-new search method, which is different from the first generation search engines such as Yahoo, which manually classify directories, and the second generation search engine with keyword search as the core technology represented by Baidu and Google today. As a transcendence of the second generation search, the paradigm revolution of the third generation search mainly lies in the presentation mode and the uneven and polymorphic evolutionary path. Its presentation methods include automatic classification and clustering functions such as Clusty and bbmao, and Autonomy based on proprietary pattern matching and concept search algorithm, which can automatically classify and index concepts in the text and automatically match personalized, multi-faceted direct or implied related files according to users' interests. Its evolution path includes personalized search, social search, localized search, knowledge quiz community, community content search and so on. In the core search technology, it generally includes artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, semantic analysis, neural network and other development directions. 4 Widget Advertising Widget advertising is a new advertising service model, through which advertisers can provide users with useful services and enhance the personalized function of the website, thus gaining consumers' attention and valuable time. The beauty of this kind of advertisement lies in that while consumers enjoy the widget service provided by advertisers, they invisibly accept the advertising information and establish emotional connection with the brand.