What is the relationship between Tripollar Chopper and Pollogen?

Pollogen is the Israeli company name of Tripollar Chopper.Tripollar Chopper is the brand name of the imported products from Israel, products such as Tripollar Chopper stop eye, geneo, etc.

Pollogen is the Israeli company name of Tripollar Chopper.Tripollar Chopper is the brand name of Tripollar Chopper.

Radio frequency beauty instrument net red product Tripollar Chupo's founding company Pollogen in the radio frequency market has more than 50 years of experience, is from the technology powerhouse Israel's legendary radio frequency technology.

Expanded Information:

Pollogen in the development of large-scale professional medical and aesthetic equipment Pollogen has an absolute technological advantage in the development of large-scale professional medical aesthetic devices, and applies its successful experience to the development of home aesthetic devices.

Pollogen owns several patented technologies, including Tripollar RF, Ablative RF, Fractional RF, Oxygeneo and DMA. Based on the solid foundation of US FDA validity certification, EU CE certification, international patented technology and multi-national quality testing, we have successfully realized the domestication of professional RF beauty technology.