Home oxygen concentrator top ten ranking

The top ten ranking of home oxygen concentrators are: Yuyue, Haier, Deda Kangjian, Omron, Kangshang, Turtle, Mei Zhi Oxygen, Chuangwei, Ogas, Oxygen Lide.

1, Yueyue

Founded in 1998, listed companies, China's larger medical equipment suppliers, home health care, clinical health care, Internet health care, a better life composed of a large health ecosystem, to establish a comprehensive coverage of the medical equipment field of professional services platform, the product is mainly Covering respiratory oxygen, blood pressure and blood glucose, rehabilitation and nursing care, sensory control and sterilization, surgical instruments and so on.

2, Haier

Haier Home Healthcare was established in 2014, is the healthcare business platform of the Haier Group, is committed to creating a "smart health whole-house solutions" to provide users with intelligent and professional, humanized experience of the product program and services. The products cover testing, rehabilitation, chronic disease management, diagnostic and other home medical equipment.

3, Deda Kangjian

Created in 2008, focusing on the field of health of the internationalization of the group enterprise, which has a DEDAKJ (Germany), Deda medical, Deda DEDA, the six village chiefs, Hong Kong Lekangtang, and other international and national brands, to create a medical device, health care equipment, personal care health, Nutritional supplements, organic food and five major health sectors as the core of the health ecological chain.

4, Omron

Began in 1933 in Japan, Omron Corporation, a well-known brand of family health monitoring equipment, is committed to monitoring from the family health, including electronic blood pressure monitors, electronic glucose meters, electronic thermometers, nebulizers, oxygen concentrators, calorie counters, pedometers, fat scales, weight scales and low-frequency therapeutic devices and other health care equipment. low-frequency therapeutic instrument and other healthcare equipment products.

5, Kang Shang

Founded in 2013, the domestic professional intelligent health product providers, focusing on home health care, mobile health care, in vitro diagnostics, grassroots Internet health care, and the construction of a large health ecological chain of modern industrial enterprises. At present, the launch of home health, mobile medical, in vitro diagnostics and other series of products by the majority of users and medical service organizations favored.