Medical equipment industry is considered high-tech enterprises
There are basic and complex, such as we now learn the heart motor ultrasound these are basic, mainly dielectric and digital electricity and part of the acoustic, microcomputer, etc. This is the most basic knowledge of each person to master the study of electronics, which is not high and not new! Then come to the complex, like MRI, Gamma Knife, X-ray machine pacemakers and so on and so forth is also high and new technology, in our country is still a fog area, at most can only say that will change parts, if you master the core technology of the domestic or a very small number of, such as the X-ray machine many hospitals in our country is still using the frequency machine, radiation and so on and so forth, high and new are the majority of large foreign companies, such as Siemens, the companies have real high technology, they have real high technology. They have real high-tech, which is what I understand as a person in this industry, not the right place please correct, thank you.