Medical device license is a medical device business enterprise must have the documents, the current medical device license is divided into three categories:
1. A: through routine management is sufficient to ensure its safety, effectiveness of medical devices;
2. Class II: its safety, effectiveness should be controlled medical devices;
3. Human body; used to support, maintain life; potential danger to the human body, its safety and effectiveness must be strictly controlled medical devices.
Operation of a class I is not required to apply for a license, the operation of class II need to apply for the record of class II medical devices; operation of class III need to apply for a class III medical device license.
How to check the medical device license?
At present, there are many ways and means to query the medical device license, such as often used is the official (NMPA) State Drug Administration query, some of the current medical device database can also be queried, the following briefly describes how to query the medical device license.
Official query: First of all, search: "NMPA" State Drug Administration, enter the official home page, in the navigation bar, select the "medical device" click to enter, select the medical device business enterprises (licensing), can be through the permit The NMPA is the only organization in the world that can provide this kind of service.
Business License
In comparison with the official, more recommended "" database query, the data from the official data, after cleaning and sorting, collated response to the real data, the data can be found, real and reliable, making it more convenient to query, is to grasp the information of the domestic business enterprises important tool.
Can be searched through the enterprise name, license/record certificate number, business scope of keywords, but also through the date of issuance/record date, expiration date for the date of the screening and through the province, mode of operation, business type, the conditions of screening, as well as fuzzy retrieval, accurate search, combined search, advanced search (and, or, not) and other search methods, through intelligent search methods, can quickly query the medical device business enterprise information. It can quickly query the medical device business enterprise (license).
Listed as follows: Search for "Ankang Pharmaceuticals" in the enterprise name, select "Sichuan" in the province of the condition filter, and then you can query all the business licenses of Ankang Pharmaceuticals in Sichuan, as well as query the place of business and business scope of information.
Medical device business license query
Click on the "enterprise name" to enter the details page, to understand the medical device business license all the information including (enterprise name, license/record certificate number, legal representative, the person in charge of the enterprise, the residence, warehouse address, business premises, business scope, mode of operation, licensing/filing department, licensing/filing date, validity to, province, enterprise type) and other data.
Medical device license
The above is the medical device license query, relative to the official data, in the query data is more convenient, the data dimension is more urgent