Huizhou real estate appraisal companies are:
Huizheng Real Estate Appraisal Co.
Guangxin Real Estate Appraisal Company
BaoQi real estate appraisal Ltd.
Yuehui Real Estate Appraisal & Consulting Co.
Huizhou Bobang Real Estate Appraisal Co.
Huizhou Hengzheng Real Estate Appraisal Co.
Chinese Asset Appraisal & Real Estate Appraisal Co.
Shenzhen Zhongguo Real Estate Appraisal & Consulting Co.
Lixin Yangcheng Asset Appraisal and Land and Real Estate Appraisal Company Huizhou Office
Nowadays, the employment of college students is really "Alexandria", but the god of luck often favors the job seekers who come prepared! I would suggest that you prepare well and do your homework before delivering your resume and interviewing, and the results will be much better! In addition, I suggest that you may want to put your eyes wide open again when you are looking for a job, do not just aim at real estate development, appraisal companies, real estate agents, real estate websites, real estate law firms and other professional lawyers in need of civil engineering, engineering management and other professional units can also be considered.
When it comes to regional discrimination, ancient and modern, all have heard, but see the blame is not strange from the defeat, firmly believe that one point: Henan people, good people or the absolute majority, perhaps Henan people in so many grains of rat shit, it is bad Henan's image, but then again, where there is no such a person? I am Henan people, in Guangzhou as a lawyer for more than 10 years, today, no matter what people ask me, I will always be very proud to say: "I am Henan people!" Yes, I was born in Henan, grew up in Henan, the authentic Henan people, and lawyers in Guangzhou work very hard, service is very good, the image is very positive, I am using their own efforts to change the prejudice of a few people on Henan and Henan people. Come on, little hometown, I believe you can succeed!