What to do if you have a minor accident during Chinese New Year? These first aid manual you may need!

It will soon be the Spring Festival, but also the New Year, many families are ready for the New Year's Eve, waiting for a family reunion to eat and drink well, celebrate the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival, but also some of the accidents and illnesses of the high incidence of the period, this time there are some small accidents will make people busy, encountered a number of accidents, to be calm, think of a way to solve the problem, first aid of a number of ways you can understand!

1, the Spring Festival New Year's Eve first aid manual

(1) Alcohol poisoning

1, for those who are unconscious, ensure that the airway is open.

2. If the patient vomits, immediately place him or her in a stable lateral position to allow the vomit to flow out.

3. Keep the patient warm, especially if wet and cold.

4. Check respiration, pulse and degree of responsiveness, and use CPR immediately if necessary.

5. Place the patient in the stabilized lateral position, monitor the condition closely, and check and record respiration, pulse, and responsiveness every 10 minutes.

(2) Gastric perforation

★First aid mnemonic: Lie toward the left side.

★Typical symptoms: gastric ulcer patients, sudden onset of intolerable severe abdominal pain, and abdominal hardness and swelling, that is very likely to sudden gastric perforation.

Gastric ulcer patients are prone to gastric perforation during the Chinese New Year due to emotional fluctuations or after overeating, once the above symptoms occur, the possibility of gastric perforation should be considered immediately. Before the ambulance arrives, you should do the following:

1, don't cover your stomach and roll around, you should lie on the left side of the bed. The reason is that most of the perforation sites are located on the right side of the stomach. Lying on the left side of the bed can effectively prevent stomach acid and food from flowing further into the abdominal cavity and exacerbating the condition.

2, if the paramedics can not arrive in time, but the scene and some simple medical equipment, the patient can be inserted into the stomach tube. Specific method: Insert the tube into the nostril, to the throat, and swallow hard while breathing, to swallow the tube into the stomach. Then use a syringe to draw out the contents of the stomach, which can reduce the degree of infection in the abdominal cavity, for the patient to win the treatment time, remember that at this time the patient must also be lying on the left side.

(3) Fishbone Sticking in the Voice

1. Implement abdominal compression (or chest compression if the patient is pregnant or overweight). If the patient is unable to stand, place him/her flat on a sturdy surface, sit across the patient's legs and perform abdominal compression five times, and then check whether the foreign body has been coughed up.

2. When digging out a foreign body with your fingers, do so only when you can see the foreign body and not blindly.

(4) Scald

1, use cold water to reduce local temperature for 10 minutes.

2. Cover with a clean, moist dressing.

3, when the injury is swollen, remove the watch, bracelet, ring, etc., the dressing gently fixed bandage, be careful not to too tight.

4, on the opposite side of the injury tied to the bandage.

(5) blow injuries

1, if the eyes, do not go rubbing and flushing, up to the appropriate amount of anti-inflammatory eye drops, and lie down, call 120 or rushed to hospitals with conditions.

2, such as hands or feet by firecrackers and other explosions bleeding, should be quickly with both hands for the top of the bleeding parts of the card, such as Yunnan Baiyao powder or panax ginseng powder can be sprinkled to stop bleeding. If the bleeding is not only a large amount, the application of rubber bandage or coarse cloth tied above the bleeding part, elevate the affected limb, and urgently sent to the hospital for trauma treatment. However, the bandage should be loosened every 15 minutes to avoid ischemic necrosis of the affected area.

2, Spring Festival dietary precautions

1, light and less greasy

Overly "enough" nutrition to make obesity, hypertension, diabetes and other diseases in the population incidence rate increased significantly. Holiday activity is less than at work, people often sleep a "lazy", a few days of vacation and a few pounds of weight is one of the common problems. So it's best to adjust your diet, which should be lighter than usual, to reduce the accumulation of fat.

2, vegetables better than good medicine

The holiday table dishes are plentiful, all the time away from the fish and meat. However, people often feel fatigue, tiredness, flatulence. At this time, less meat and fish, eat more vegetables, you can lift the body crisis. Fresh vegetables are a kind of alkaline food, not only rich in fiber, can solve the greasy, maintain normal gastrointestinal peristalsis, prevention of constipation, but also can neutralize the body's excess acidic substances, to maintain the body's metabolic needs.

3, fruit is indispensable

Holiday diet messy, more likely to make people on fire, constipation, eat more fruit, both can play a good heat, detoxification, laxative effect, but also regulate the improvement of the body's metabolism, prevention of various diseases, enhance health. However, it should be noted that the digestion time and process of fruits and vegetables are different, should be eaten separately, otherwise a large number of enzymes in the fruit, will make the vegetable fiber spoilage, can not be absorbed by the stomach and intestines.

4, the staple food can not be forgotten

During the Spring Festival, people are mostly accustomed to eat more food, eat less or even do not eat staple food, which is not desirable. Food is the main source of carbohydrates, it is involved in the metabolic process of fat, protein, so that it is completely oxidized to reduce the generation of toxic substances, but also for the body to provide dietary fiber. Therefore, while savoring the delicious taste, you should avoid eating unlimited amount of vegetables and leave part of your appetite for the main food.

5, would rather eat a bite less

Potluck family dinner is often very sumptuous, sumptuous dishes and the cloth between each other to let often make people appetite and "eat", resulting in gastrointestinal discomfort and even digestive diseases. Small to indigestion "diarrhea", hiccups bloating "acid reflux", large to acute pancreatitis life-threatening. The best way to prevent this is through self-moderation.

6, drinking alcohol should be limited

Drinking alcohol should be limited, holiday drinking should also follow this principle. Excessive alcohol can cause damage to the liver, brain, nervous system and digestive system, etc. At the same time, the social hazards of drinking are also very prominent: traffic accidents and public security accidents caused by drinking and driving.

7, pay attention to food hygiene

Food hygiene is very important, which is the most important point to avoid food poisoning. The best meals are made now, choose fresh food ingredients to make, eat immediately not placed. Special attention is paid to: not fresh cooked meat products and cold meat and cold dishes should not be consumed; refrigerator storage of food taken out to be thoroughly heated and consumed; raw vegetables must be washed; processed food process must adhere to the separation of raw and cooked.

8, eat on time and do not want to play

New Year's diet should also pay attention to is on time on time, do not play and sleep to disrupt the normal dietary patterns, so that the stomach and intestines do not adapt to cause digestive disorders. Every holiday and holiday just spent, there are some people indigestion, physical and mental exhaustion, vacation instead of resting out of the problem. A considerable number of them are caused by improper diet.

9, beware of some melon salt

Gourd is one of the New Year's snacks, fried soy sauce melon seeds, fried sunflower seeds, etc., more salt, calories are also high, and here it is recommended that you replace the fried pumpkin seeds, good for your health, can reduce blood pressure, but should also be eaten in moderation.

10, careful to save the remaining dishes

Eat the food, to the refrigerator a plug, the most convenient but. In the storage of leftover food, do not put it in aluminum containers or pots, because the chemical nature of aluminum is very active, easy to oxidize in the air, the surface generates aluminum oxide film. Aluminum oxide film is not soluble in water, but can be dissolved in acidic or alkaline solutions, salt can also destroy the aluminum oxide, more salty dishes or soups stored in aluminum containers for a long period of time, there will be a chemical change, the generation of aluminum compounds, which have adverse effects on the body.

These small accidents are relatively common, appear, if you do not pay attention, may cause more serious consequences, the need to deal with timely, in the Spring Festival during the New Year, pay attention to the health of the body, to avoid the emergence of these accidents, the Spring Festival diet we also need to, to avoid eating too oily, in the Spring Festival, I hope we all have a good year!