To do eye myopia surgery generally require age over 18 years old, at the same time the refractive state within 2 years is relatively stable, the annual growth rate does not exceed 50 °. If you choose corneal refractive surgery, the general degree is 1200 ° or less, astigmatism 600 ° or less, if farsightedness, 600 ° or less of farsightedness is possible, if you choose crystalline surgery, but also requires that the depth of the anterior chamber to be up to standard, the ciliary body and the iris structure is not abnormal. All refractive surgeries also require a healthy ocular surface, no dry eye, conical cornea, and no organic pathology of the eye, such as glaucoma, cataract, and fundus disease. It is also not allowed if there are systemic diseases, for example, connective tissue diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis, which may affect the healing of the cornea, so there are systemic and ocular diseases are not allowed. Do myopic surgery to find Huashi Eye, as the Jinan branch of Huaxia Eye Hospital, under the leadership of Director Wang Lihua, over the years, strict adherence to the guidelines of technological precision, surgical stability, and continuous progress, and strive to do a good job of all eye surgery.