Services Provided by the Internet

Question 1: What are the major services provided by the Internet 1. remote login services (Telnet)

2. file transfer services (FTP)

3. e-mail services (E-Mail)

4. network news services (Usenet)

5. name and address services (Finger, Whois, X.500, Netfind)

6. document query indexing services (Archie, WAIS)

7. information browsing services (Gopher, WWW)

8. other information services (Talk, IRC, MUD)

Question 2: The Internet provides the main services that are Remote login service (Telnet): Remote login is one of the basic information services provided by the Internet, is a terminal emulation protocol to provide remote connection services. It enables your computer to log in to another computer on the Internet. Your computer then becomes a terminal on the computer you are logged on to, and can use resources on that computer, such as printers and disk devices, etc. Telnet provides a large number of commands that can be used to set up an interactive dialog between a terminal and a remote host, and that can enable a local user to execute commands from the remote host.

File Transfer Service (FTP): FTP allows users to transfer files between computers, and there is no limit to the type of file, which can be a text file or a binary executable file, a sound file, an image file, a data compression file, and so on. FTP is a real-time on-line service, and you must log in to the other side of the computer before you can work on it. FTP is a real-time on-line service. Ordinary FTP service needs to provide the corresponding user name and password when logging in, when the user does not know the user name and password of the other computer will not be able to use FTP service. For this reason, some information service organizations in order to facilitate Internet users through the network to use their publicly available information, to provide an "anonymous FTP service".

E-mail service (E-Mail): E-mail is like a letter from the post office, but it is different in that e-mail is a fast, simple, efficient, inexpensive and modern means of communication with other users through the Internet. And it has a lot of advantages, such as E-mail than through the traditional post office mail letter to be much faster, at the same time in the absence of hackers deliberately destroy the situation, the letter loss rate and damage rate is also very small.

Network news service (Usenet): Usenet is a *** by many users of similar interests *** with the organization of a variety of discussion groups ***. Usenet is also commonly referred to as a global electronic bulletin board system (BBS). Usenet is used to publish announcements, news, reviews and articles for online users to use and discuss.

Address services (Finger, Whois, X.500, Netfind): also known as directory services, is the Internet network according to some of the user's information back to find some other information of a public **** query service.

Document query indexing services (Archie, WAIS)

Information browsing services (Gopher, WWW)

Other information services (Talk, IRC, MUD)

Question 3: What are the main services provided by the Internet Why do you have to ask me to COPY it?

The Internet is a collection of global information resources. There is a rough statement that the INTERNET is a logical network due to the interconnection of many small networks (sub-networks), each sub-network is connected to a number of computers (hosts). Internet to mutual exchange of information resources for the purpose of the Internet, based on a number of *** the same protocols, and through a number of routers and the public *** the Internet into it, it is an information resources and resources *** enjoyment *** . The computer network is only a carrier for the dissemination of information, while the superiority and usefulness of the INTERNET lies in itself. Internet top-level domain names are divided into two categories: institutional domain names and geographical domain names, and at present there are mainly 14 kinds of institutional domain names.

It connects all computers, people can find different information from the Internet, there are millions of useful information for people, you can use search engines to find the information you need. Search engines help us to find information faster and easier, just type in one or a few keywords and the search engine will find all the web pages that match the requirements, you just need to click on those pages.

Services: 1. World Wide Web (WWW)

World Wide Web (WWW) is a distributed hypermedia information query system first developed by the European Particle Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland, and is currently the most advanced, interactive performance on the Internet, the most widely used information retrieval tool, the World Wide Web includes a wide variety of information. The World Wide Web includes a wide variety of information, such as text, sound, image, video and so on. The World Wide Web employs hypertext technology, which makes it possible for users to access all kinds of information on the Internet in a common and simple way.

2. E-mail

Electronic mail (abbreviated as E-mail) is one of the most widely used services on the Internet. As long as the user can connect to the Internet, with the ability to send and receive e-mail programs and personal e-mail address, you can exchange e-mail with all users on the Internet with e-mail address convenient, fast and economical. E-mails can be exchanged between two users, or the same e-mail can be sent to more than one user, or the received e-mail will be forwarded to other users. In addition to text, e-mail can contain sound, images, applications and other types of computer files. In addition, the user can also be e-mailed to subscribe to electronic magazines on the Internet, access to the required documents, participate in the relevant announcements and discussion groups.

3. Text Transfer Protocol (FTP)

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the basis for file transfers on the Internet, and what is commonly referred to as FTP is a service based on this protocol.The FTP text transfer service allows users on the Internet to transfer files from one computer to another. Almost all types of files, including text files, binary executables, sound files, image files, data compression files, and so on, can be transferred using FTP.

FTP is actually a set of file-serving software that uses file transfer as an interface, and uses simple get and put commands to download and upload files, just as it does for file copy commands on the Internet. Most FTP server hosts use the UNIX operating system, but ordinary users can easily use FTP and UNIX hosts to transfer files through Windows 98 and Windows XP.

The best feature of FTP is that users have access to numerous anonymous FTP servers on the Internet. The so-called anonymous servers refer to systems that can be accessed without a specialized username and password. When connecting to an anonymous server, users can log in with Anonymous as their username and their e-mail address as their password. Once logged in, users can download files from the anonymizer. The standard directory of an anonymous server is pub, and users can usually access files in all subdirectories of that directory. For security reasons, most anonymizers do not allow users to upload files.

4. Telnet

Telnet is a protocol for a remote login service that defines how a remote login user interacts with a server. It allows a user to log on to a remote timesharing system from a networked computer and then use that remote system as if it were his or her own computer.

To use the remote login service, the local ...... >>

Question 4: What are the main types of services provided by the Internet 1. Telnet service

2. File Transfer Service (FTP)

3. E-mail service

4. Usenet

5. Name and address services (Finger, Whois, X.500, Netfind)

6. Document query indexing services (Archie, WAIS)

7. Information browsing services (Gopher, WWW)

8. Other messaging services (Talk, IRC, MUD)

Question Five: The most important service provided by the Internet is Its core service function is:

Digital information, high speed dissemination and **** enjoyment.


You can quickly search the Internet for the information you need, information;

You can realize that the data and information 24-hour online display and provide reading, download;

You can realize that the data fast off-site transmission;

Based on the Internet, the realization of the implementation of a variety of data applications network.

For example, online payment, network monitoring, Internet of Things control, and so on.

Question 6: What services does the Internet provide? This offense is big. For example, the World Wide Web service. That is, we now enter the URL to browse the web page service. There are also ftp file transfer services. And so on. Such as domain name service. Proxy services. This crime is too big

Question 7: Internet basic Internet services World Wide Web (World Wide Web, abbreviated as WWW) is a set of text, sound, images, video and other multimedia information on the Internet in one of the global information resource network, is an important part of the Internet. Browser (Browser) is the user to WWW bridge and access to WWW information window, through the browser, the user can roam in the vast ocean of the Internet, search and browse all the information they are interested in. WWW web page file is a hypertext markup language HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), and in the hypertext transfer protocol HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol). File Transfer Protocol HTTP (Hype Text Tran *** ission Protocol) support. Hypertext contains not only textual information, but also multimedia information such as graphics, sounds, images, videos, etc. (so hypertext is also called hypermedia), and what is more important is that hypertext implies links to other hypertexts, which are called hyperlinks (Hyper Links). With hypertext, users can easily link from one web page to other relevant web pages without having to care about where these pages are scattered among hosts.HTML is not a programming language in the general sense, it embeds special markup into a document, describes the semantics of a piece of text, and produces a multimedia effect when interpreted, and provides hyperlinks to the text.The WWW browser is a The WWW browser is a client-side program whose main function is to enable users to access various resources on the Internet. Commonly used browsers are Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) and Netvigator/municator. SUN has also developed a browser written in Java, HotJava. Java is a new, dynamic interpretive language independent of various operating systems and platforms. Java is a new, dynamic interpretive language independent of various operating systems and platforms. Java enables browsers to have animation effects and provides real-time interaction for connected users. All commonly used browsers support Java. E-mail is one of the most widely used services on the Internet. As long as the user can connect with the Internet, with the ability to send and receive e-mail programs and personal E-mail address, you can have E-mail on the Internet with all users convenient, fast, economical exchange of e-mail can be exchanged between the two users, but also to multiple users to send the same e-mail, or will be received by the mail forwarded to other users. E-mail in addition to text, but also can contain sound, images, applications and other types of computer files. In addition, the user can also e-mail subscribe to electronic magazines on the Internet, access to the required documents, participate in relevant announcements and discussion groups, and even browse the WWW resources. Send and receive e-mail must have the appropriate software support. Commonly used software to send and receive e-mail Exchange, Outlook Express, etc., these software provides mail receiving, editing, sending and management functions. Most Internet browsers also include the ability to send and receive e-mail, such as Internet Explorer and Navigator/municator. mail servers use protocols such as SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions Protocol), MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions Protocol), MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions Protocol), and MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions Protocol). (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) and Post Office Protocol (Post Office Protocol). POP services need to be provided by a mail server, the user must obtain an account on the mail server in order to use this service. The more commonly used POP protocol is version 3, so it is also known as the POP3 protocol. Usenet is a **** of discussion groups on various topics organized by a large number of users with similar interests ****. Usenet is also commonly referred to as a global electronic bulletin board system (BBS). Usenet is used to publish announcements, news, reviews, and various articles for online users to use and discuss. Discussions are organized according to different thematic categories, each of which is a thematic group called a newsgroup, within which more sub-topics can be subdivided.Each news item on Usenet is guided by a distinguishing type of tag, and each newsgroup revolves around a topic, such as p. (computer-related content), n...... >>

Question 8: What services does the Internet provide I

1. Receiving and sending e-mail, which is the earliest and most widespread Web application.

2. The widespread use of the Internet creates a digital way of living and working called the SOHO (small home office) way.

3. Internet browsing or surfing is the most basic service provided by the Internet.

4. Search for information.

5. E-commerce.

6. Enriching people's leisure lifestyle.

7. You can make friends online all over the world through the Internet, exchange ideas with each other, and really do "a friend in the sea, the sky is far away as the realm of the distant land".

8. Other applications. The real world of human activities in the network version of the pick up, such as online broadcasting, online stock trading, online job search, art exhibitions and so on.


Personal sites, blog sites, SNS, forums and so on (for example: corporate sites, e-commerce sites or portals) use most of the communication.


Before the Internet was used in marketing activities, the exchange of information between companies and consumers and between companies mainly relied on traditional methods. Traditional ways of information exchange in the exchange of timely, extensive and in-depth and other aspects are often difficult to take into account, and the application of the Internet focuses on a variety of information exchange tools, these advantages are mainly reflected in:

(1) wide coverage.

(2) Interactivity.

(3) Information can be stored.

(4) Multimedia information can be delivered.

(5) Open and ****able.

(6) Economical.

(7) Functional integration.

(8) One-to-one communication.

(9) Information detectability.

(10) Communication concealment.


You have to experience it for yourself to get the insights.


The Internet is the world's largest, open, computer network interconnected by many networks.

Overview of the development of the Internet:

The Internet originated as ARPANET in the United States Department of Defense's Advanced Planning and Research Agency (APRA). adopted TCP/IP as the underlying protocol.

Application areas of the Internet:

The Internet has had a tremendous impact on the development of society, with applications in e-commerce, distance learning, telemedicine, online banking, and home entertainment.

Common terms used in the World Wide Web:

Hypertext: Hypertext is text "with links".

Link: A link is a connection from one Web page to another using hypertext.

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

Browser: A browser is an interactive program that allows users to view information from the World Wide Web.

Address: Each computer on the Internet has its own unique address.

Connection: The actual process by which browser software contacts a server over the network.

Request: Once a connection is established between two computers, the browser software can request the actual page that the user needs.

Service: the server stores many documents, and it manages many of these requests on a daily basis.

Formatting: What is sent to the browser is also unformatted text and contains instructions on just how the browser should display the document to the user, and the browser software applies the formatting instructions to the text before displaying it to the user.

Client side: A computer that is requesting a service from another computer is called a "client side".

File Transfer Protocol - FTP Features:

Speed: With FTP files can be sent to our computers in a few minutes.

Cost: Most of the software provided by FTP is free.

Options: FTP sites offer a wide variety of software to choose from.

How the Internet works

Network connection: It allows one computer to connect to another; send files regardless of the computer's physical location, capabilities, or operating system.

Three different types of Internet communication are studied: hypertext transfer, file transfer, and mail transfer... >>

Question 9: The main services provided by the Internet are 1. remote login service (Telnet)

2. file transfer service (FTP)

3. e-mail service (E-Mail)

4. network news service (Usenet)

5. name address service (Finger, Whois, X.500, Netfind)

6. document query indexing services (Archie, WAIS)

7. information browsing services (Gopher, WWW)

8. other information services (Talk, IRC, MUD)

1. Telnet services

2. Telnet

Remote-login is one of the most basic information services provided by the Internet. Remote-login is the process of making a local computer temporarily become a remote computer emulation terminal under the support of the network communication protocol Telnet. To log in on a remote computer, you must be a legitimate user of the computer system and have the corresponding account number and password. When logging in, you should give the domain name or IP address of the remote computer and enter the user name and password according to the system prompts. After logging in successfully, the user can actually use the system's open functions and resources, such as: **** enjoy its hardware and software resources and databases, the use of its information services provided by the Internet, such as: E-mail, FTP, Archie, Gopher, WWW, WAIS, and so on.

Telnet is a powerful resource **** enjoyment tool. Many university libraries provide online search services through Telnet, and some *** departments and research organizations also open their databases to the public so that users can search through Telnet.

2. File Transfer Service (FTP)

File transfer refers to the transfer of files between hosts on a computer network, which is carried out under the auspices of the network communication protocol FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

Users generally do not want to browse files stored on a computer remotely online, and are more likely to fetch these files back to their own computers first, which not only saves time and money, but also allows them to read and process these fetched files comfortably.

The Internet provides a file service, FTP, which is designed to satisfy this need. The Internet provides a file service called FTP that meets the needs of users. Two computers on the Internet are geographically separated by a distance, and as long as both support the FTP protocol, users on the Internet can transfer files from one computer to another.

FTP is a real-time online service similar to Telnet. To use the FTP service, the user must first log on to the other computer, and unlike remote login, the user can only perform operations related to file search and file transfer. With FTP, you can transfer any type of file, such as text files, binary files, image files, sound files, data compression files, and so on.

Ordinary FTP services require users to provide the appropriate username and password when logging on to a remote computer. Many information service organizations provide a service called Anonymous FTP to make it easier for users to access their published information over the network. Users do not need to register or create a username and password before logging in to such FTP servers. Instead, they can use anonymous as their username, and generally use their e-mail address as their password.

Anonymous FTP is one of the most important Internet services. Many anonymous FTP servers have free software, e-magazines, technical documents, and scientific data for people to use. The FTP server can be used to provide free software, e-magazines, and scientific data, etc. The anonymous FTP server has some restrictions on the user's permission to use the service: Usually, the user is only allowed to access the files, but not allowed to modify the existing files or transfer files to it; in addition, there are some restrictions on the scope of the files that the user can access. In order to make it easier for users to access very long files or groups of files, in anonymous FTP servers, files are pre-compressed or packaged. Users should have the ability to compress and restore files, as well as pack and unpack files when using these files.

3. E-Mail

Electronic Mail, also known as e-mail, is a service that allows users or groups of users to send and receive information over a computer network. At present, e-mail has become a modern means of communication between network users fast, simple, reliable and low-cost low, but also on the Internet to make ...... > >