Scam 1: contains what bacteria can be First of all, probiotics do not refer to a specific strain of bacteria, but refers to the human intestinal tract can play a beneficial role in a certain type of microorganisms. However, there are many types of probiotic products on the market today, and there are dozens of probiotics that exist in the human gut. Therefore, what types, brands, and strains of probiotics are beneficial for what conditions need to be judged based on clinical trial data.
Scam 2: Claims of high content, full benefits In the advertisements, many probiotic products claim to contain a very high amount of live bacteria, but also claim to have the effect of full benefits. However, relying only on the total amount of probiotics to measure the advantages and disadvantages of probiotic products is not a solution to the problem.
Scam #3: No Advantage to Containing Complex ProbioticsSome probiotic products claim that their complex probiotic formulas can outperform a single type of probiotic. However, this claim is not true for everyone. No probiotic is perfect, and not everyone needs a combination probiotic; the choice of whether or not to take one needs to be made on an individual basis and according to actual circumstances.
Scam #4: Always choose non-dairy productsSome brands promote non-dairy probiotic products as being better, claiming that they are better for sub-healthy people. However, in reality, the claim is not well researched and verified.
Scam #5: Children can't drink adult probiotics Some brands claim that their probiotic products are specifically targeted at the children's market and say that adults and children can't **** with the same probiotic, due to the fact that children's immune systems, respiratory systems, and skin are all different from those of adults. However, some of the mainstream organizations responsible for probiotics have not backed up this claim.
Scam #6: High-end brands are reliable Some high-end probiotic brands sell at relatively high prices, claiming to use advanced production technology and that their strains are from a stable source. However, these claims are not necessarily true. High-end brands are not necessarily good brands, and while high prices may buy high quality, judging quality by price is often an unreliable method.
Scam 7: Better with YogurtMany yogurt products claim to have a better effect with probiotics. However, some regulators point out that there is no scientific basis for such a pairing, and it may make other respiratory illnesses more likely.
Scam #8: Probiotics never expireFinally, you want to know? All probiotics have a certain shelf life and lose their proper beneficial effects when they expire. Therefore, be sure to read the shelf life on the probiotic package to avoid the health effects of consuming expired and spoiled probiotic products.
In summary, the eight major scams of probiotics have been debunked one by one. When we buy probiotic products, we need to read the ingredient list and shelf life and other key information, and according to the actual situation of the purchase of products suitable for their own, can not rely solely on the advertisement said superstitious probiotic efficacy. Because, under the guidance of science, rational consumption is the best.