What do insurance exclusions include

Automobile insurance exclusion clauses include:As far as the application of most insurance clauses is concerned, the insurer shall not be liable for the loss of the insured vehicle caused by any reason or damage to the third party and the persons on board the vehicle in the course of racing, testing, commercial repair, repair of the repair site, repair. Vehicle damage insurance only, glass (excluding sunroof glass) alone broken, body surface paint alone scratched, wheels (including tires and wheels) alone damaged; due to flooding, wading caused by the engine damage to the insured vehicle; theft, robbery, robbery of the entire insured vehicle caused by the loss; new car from the factory in addition to the original configuration of the new equipment will not be compensated for the loss. If you want to be compensated for these things, you need to take out additional insurance.

1. In the additional insurance, if you insure against spontaneous combustion, if the spontaneous combustion causes only the loss of electrical appliances, wiring, fuel supply system, gas supply system or the loss of the goods carried itself, it will not be compensated; the vehicle is insured against theft and rescue insurance, the vehicle is not stolen, robbed or robbed, and only the parts or auxiliary equipment on the vehicle is stolen, robbed, robbed, robbed, or damaged, it can not be compensated. Among the additional insurances are water-related insurance, insurance for passengers on board, and insurance for glass damage. Each of these insurances has its own coverage and deductibles that car owners need to have a more comprehensive understanding of. All risks in vehicle insurance does not mean compensation for any accidental damages and personal injuries to the vehicle. Car owners should carefully read any clauses in their car insurance, especially the exclusion clauses, and purchase car insurance according to their needs after understanding the specific coverage of each type of insurance. For policyholders, the exclusion clauses in the insurance contract are very important, but in the actual insurance process, policyholders often ignore the exclusion clauses, which has led to many insurance accidents in the market and cases in which the insurance company is unable to settle the claims. The purpose of the policyholder to buy insurance is to get compensation in the event of an insurance accident, the insurance company set up exemption clauses, firstly, to control the risk, and secondly, to avoid moral hazard.

2. How to regulate the standardized exclusion clauses, balancing the interests of both sides of the insurance is the focus of insurance laws and regulations. Different insurance products in the insurance contract recorded in the exemption clause is different. Health Insurance Exemption Clauses There are two types of health insurance commonly found in the market today, one is sickness insurance, i.e. major illness insurance, and the other is medical insurance. First of all, we pay attention to the exemption clause of sickness insurance. The previous exemption is consistent with life insurance, mainly to prevent moral and legal risks. We should pay attention to the last two. "hereditary diseases/congenital malformations, deformations or chromosomal abnormalities/infection with HIV or AIDS" are not payable. Therefore, when we purchase a major medical insurance policy, in addition to comparing the liability guaranteed by the product itself, we also need to compare the exclusion clauses in the insurance contract. Therefore, applicants must consider them carefully. Another common type of health insurance is medical insurance. Currently, the probability of reimbursement for medical insurance is relatively the highest in the market, and the corresponding medical insurance exclusions are also the most numerous. In the process of purchasing health insurance, we must pay more attention. There are many health insurance exclusions.