Profit distribution agreement
Profit distribution should be written as "resolution of shareholders' meeting". \x0d\ \x0d\ ** annual profit distribution shareholders' meeting resolution \ x0d \ \ x0d \ company, legal representative * *, (* *% voting rights), company and legal representative * *, (* *% voting rights). This general meeting of shareholders is legal and valid. \x0d\ x0d \ The shareholders' meeting deliberated the Proposal on Profit Distribution for 20** years and reached the following resolution: \ x0d \ agreed to distribute the company's profits for 20** years, and the distributable profits were * * * * (in words and figures), in which the shareholders * * * distributed RMB * *. \x0d\ \x0d\ The above proposals were passed by 100% of the voting rights held by shareholders attending the shareholders' meeting. \x0d\ \x0d\ shareholder unit: * * * (seal) shareholder unit: * * * (seal) \x0d\ \x0d\ legal representative (signature): legal representative (signature): \x0d\ \x0d\ month, month, year, month, and year.