How to write the insurance program for PPP project?

I. Other

1. Insurance implementation plan

1.1 Risk assessment and judgment

1.1.1 Risk analysis and measures Project risk management

Risk management is the examination, prediction, analysis of risk uncertainty and possibility of the factors based on the development of a complete set of scientific management methods, including identification, measurement of risk, management and disposal of risk, control and prevention of risk. Measure the risk, management and disposal of risk, control risk prevention and a set of scientific management methods, project management engineering in each stage of all the risks contained in the project through the identification, measurement, control, so that the project is carried out smoothly, reduce risk losses, to create greater economic benefits. Project Risk Management Objectives

According to the overall strength of my consortium party at this stage, we have formulated the following risk management objectives: "Reduce the cost of risk management, improve profits, establish credibility, expand influence, and broaden business channels". Project Risk Management Process

The project risk management process is generally divided into four phases: risk identification, risk measurement, risk treatment and risk prevention countermeasures, and the phases and their contents are shown in the following chart:


Schematic diagram of the project risk management process

1.1.2 Risk analysis and assessment

Analysis and assessment based on the source of the existence of the risk, the nature of the risk, the frequency of occurrence, the degree of harm to confirm that it is likely to produce, and to do beforehand to prevent, deal with, and after the fact there are measures to deal with it. The possibility of the existence of risks in this project is divided into the following aspects of project risks:

Technical risks, management risks, process control risks, quality risks, occupational safety risks, market risks, laws and regulations, environmental risks, government and stakeholders.

1.1.3 Risk control

This project has many risk factors, in order to avoid the PPP project cooperation being blocked due to risks, it is recommended to adopt the following risk control:

(1) For the risks that the two parties can't manage well for each other, it is possible to consider commercial insurance without detracting from the economic value of the project, and transfer the project risks to the third party;

p>(2) In the case of not being able to find a third party as desired, the responsibilities and obligations of the two contracting parties to each other after the occurrence of risks can be clearly explained in advance;

(3) Equalize the risks with the returns, and if the social capital party bears part of the additional risks (such as increasing the proportion of ****-bearing risks) in the process of risk allocation, the rate of return can be increased to match; if the government party can take the initiative to bear part of the additional risks during the risk allocation process, the return can be increased; if the government party can bear a part of the additional risks during the risk allocation process, the return can be increased. If the government side can take the initiative to bear part of the additional risks in the process of risk allocation (such as operation, management and other commercial risks), it will improve the attractiveness of the project to investors.

The specific risk management approach of the project is detailed in the following table:

1.1.4 Insured Person

The agreed insured person of a PPP project contract is usually the project company. The project company will insure the risks of the project, and the individual risks will be completed by the construction unit under the supervision of the project company.

1.1.5 Insured

According to the Insurance Law, "the insured refers to the person whose property or person is covered by the insurance contract and who enjoys the right to claim for insurance benefits". Depending on the type of insurance, there will be differences in the insured, but the project company should always be one of the insured, enjoying the right to claim insurance benefits after the occurrence of an insurance accident, and depending on the contract, the governmental party or the governmental appointed organization may also be the insured.

1.2 Types of Insurance

1.2.1 Insurance Program during Construction Period Construction and Installation Works All Risks Insurance Plus Third Party Liability Insurance

(1) Insured: the project company or the governmental party

(2) Insured: the governmental party, the project company, the construction contractors, the subcontractors, the suppliers and other parties selected by the project company. Company's choice of other parties.

(3) Period of insurance: from the date of commencement of construction to the date of final completion and twelve months thereafter.

(4) Scope of Insurance: All general and customary insurable risks in respect of loss of or damage to the Works, Temporary Works, Materials and other items to be included in the Project Facilities during the period of construction, erection and operation of the Project and for a period of twelve months thereafter, (including, but not limited to, Fire, Lightning, Explosion, Heavy Rainfall, Storms, Typhoons, Water Damage, Floods, Drought, Collapses, Landslides, Earthquakes, Other accidental loss, vandalism, design defect, workmanship defect and material defect. Part I Material Damage indemnifies the insured against unforeseen and sudden material damage caused by any cause not expressly excluded during the construction, installation and testing of the project. Part II Third Party Liability indemnifies the Insured against all sums legally required to be paid by the Insured as a result of unforeseen and sudden loss of third party property arising out of the Project, including legal costs recovered by any claimant and legal costs incurred by the Insured with the consent of the Insurer.

(5) Insurance Benefits: Part I of the Works - Material Loss, Replacement Value of All Items of Works - Budgeted Amount to be determined. The final insured amount of the policy is based on the declaration of the insured at the completion of the policy and the premium is adjusted according to its actual amount. Part II Third Party Liability Limit per accident.

(6) Insurance value: the full replacement value of the works (but not less than the value of the construction contract). Group Accidental Injury Insurance for Construction Projects

(1) Insured: project companies, construction contractors, subcontractors, etc.

(2) Insured:

1) persons aged between 16 and 65 years old, in good health, capable of normal work or normal labor, engaged in management and operation at construction sites of construction projects and having established labor relationships with construction enterprise, and other persons who have been agreed by the insurer and stated in the insurance policy can be the insured of this insurance contract.

2) Project Company

(3) Period of insurance: from the date of commencement of construction to the date of final completion. Subject to the start and end dates stated in the insurance policy.

(4) Coverage: If the insured suffers an accidental injury during the insurance period while he/she is engaged in the course of management and operation in the construction area of the project as stated in the insurance contract, or in the centralized living area designated by the construction company during the construction period, or on the way back and forth from the construction site to the centralized living area designated by the construction company and suffers a death or disability due to the accidental injury, the insurer shall pay a benefit in accordance with The insurer shall pay the insurance benefits in accordance with the following agreement, and the sum of the benefits paid shall not exceed the insured amount of the insured person.

(5) Forms of insurance: There are three ways to collect insurance premiums, which are collected according to the number of insured persons, the total cost of the construction project and the total area of the building construction. Employer's Liability Insurance

(1) Insured: project company, construction contractors, subcontractors, etc.

(2) Insured: Project Company, Construction Contractor, Subcontractor, etc.

(3) Period of insurance: the period of insurance is one year, and the renewal of insurance upon expiration shall be subject to the starting and ending time stated in the insurance policy.

(4) Scope of insurance: During the period of the insurance contract, if an employee of the insured suffers an injury, disability or death caused by an accident or occupational disease related to work as stipulated by the state during his/her employment as a result of performing the insured's work as stated in the policy, the insurance company will pay out the following financial liabilities to the insured according to the agreement of the insurance contract within the agreed limit of compensation. The insurance company shall, according to the agreement of this insurance contract, pay the following financial compensation liabilities for which the insured person is legally liable within the agreed compensation limit:

1) death compensation;

2) disability compensation;

3) lost labor expenses;

4) medical expenses.

The insurer is responsible for reimbursing necessary and reasonable litigation expenses with the written consent of the insurer up to the aggregate limit of indemnity specified in the policy.

During the period of this insurance, the sum of the maximum amount of compensation payable by the insurer for each indemnity under this policy shall not exceed the aggregate limit of indemnity stated in the policy.

(5) Insurance Value: Limit Compensation (including death/disability from work-related injuries and occupational diseases, reimbursement of medical expenses, and allowance for lost wages, etc.). Cargo Transportation Insurance

(1) Insured: the Project Company, construction contractors, material suppliers, etc.

(2) Insured: the Project Company, construction contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, and such other parties as the Project Company may select (provided that such other parties have or may acquire an insurable interest under this insurance).

(3) Period of Insurance: The period of insurance starts and ends when the insurance certificate is issued and the insured goods are shipped out of the last warehouse or storage place of the consignor at the place of origin, and ends when the consignee at the destination stated on the insurance certificate is at the first warehouse or storage place in the locality, which is generally "warehouse to warehouse".

(4) Scope of Liability: All ordinary and customary insurable risks in respect of all materials, equipment, machinery, spare parts and other articles (other than construction equipment) from the time the insured goods leave the Contractor's or supplier's premises in any part of the world until they arrive and are unloaded at the Project site while in transit.

(5) FORM OF INSURANCE: This insurance shall be effected on the basis of a contract of general insurance and no separate policy of insurance will be issued.

1.2.2 Insurance Program for the Operational Period

The insurance for the operational period includes: property all risks, business interruption insurance (following property all risks), machinery damage insurance, operation interruption insurance (following machinery damage insurance), third liability insurance, other insurance. Therefore, when designing the insurance program, we also focus on the above main types of insurance. Property All Risks Insurance

(1) Insured: The Project Company

(2) Scope of Liability: All general and customary insurable risks of loss of or damage to all buildings, structures, equipment, machinery, chemicals, spares and other materials and/or immovable property forming part of the Project Facilities and in use and located on the Project Site. Risks, (including, but not limited to, fire, lightning, explosion, spontaneous combustion, storms, heavy rains, typhoons, floods, floods, droughts, vandalism, impacts, earthquakes, subsidence, collapse).

(3) Amount of insurance: the full replacement value of the project facilities.

(4) Period of insurance: in years, renewable.

(5) Insured: the Project Company, the Government Party and such other party as may be selected by the Government Party or the Project Company (provided that such other owns or has access to an insurable interest under this insurance). (Property All Risks) Business Interruption Coverage

(1) Insured: the Project Company

(2) Scope of Liability: Interest, additional interest and customary charges provided for during the twelve-month cover period (the period of interruption of the insurance) arising out of interruption of business or interference with business caused by insurable risks covered under the Property All Risks Insurance Policy. of the loss.

(3) Amount of insurance: an amount equal to the full amount of interest, additional interest, scheduled principal payments, and prescribed regular expenses incurred during the twelve-month coverage period.

(4) Period of insurance: in years, renewable.

(5) Insured: the Project Company and such other parties as selected by the Project Company (provided that such other has or may acquire an insurable interest under this insurance). Employee Group Accidental Injury Insurance

(1) Policyholder: the Project Company

(2) Insured:

1) Persons between the ages of 16 and 65 years old who are in good health, capable of normal work or normal labor and who have established a labor relationship with the Company, and such other persons as may be agreed to by the insurer and as set forth in the insurance policy can be the insured of this insurance contract.

2) Project Company

(3) Period of insurance: one year, renewable upon expiration. Subject to the starting and ending time stated in the insurance policy.

(4) Scope of insurance: If, during the insurance period, the insured suffers an accidental injury in the course of management and operation in the area specified in this insurance contract or on the way to and from the work site to the designated centralized living area and the accidental injury results in death or disability, the insurer will pay the insurance benefit in accordance with the following agreement, and the sum of the various benefits to be paid will not exceed the insured amount of the insured person. The sum of the benefits shall not exceed the insured amount of the insured person.

(5) Form of insurance: The premium is charged according to the number of insured persons. Third Party Liability Insurance

(1) Insured: the project company

(2) Period of insurance: yearly, renewable.

(3) Scope of Liability: Legal liability for bodily injury or property loss or damage to a third party caused by the operation and maintenance of the project facilities.

(4) Amount of insurance: Limit of liability per accident, unlimited number of insured accidents.

(5) Insured: the Project Company, the Government Party or such other party as the Project Company may select (provided that such other owns or has access to an insurable interest under this insurance). Employer's Liability Insurance

Refer to Construction Period Employer's Liability Insurance. The Employer's Liability Insurance for the Operational Period is for a period of one year and will be renewed upon expiry.

1.3 Principles of Insurance Service Provider Selection

According to the principle of "under reasonable commercial conditions, all insurable risks should be insured", combined with the actuality of the project, we have formulated the commercial risk and insurance program during the construction period (including the engineering all risks and third-party liability insurance program, the group accidental injury insurance program for building construction personnel). We have formulated the commercial risk and insurance plan for the construction period (including project all risks and third party liability insurance plan, group accident insurance plan for building construction personnel) and the operation and maintenance period, analyzed the overall commercial risk of the project, explained the risk control measures, and discussed the arrangement of the insurance plan during the cooperation period of the project, including the main types of insurance to be insured, the amount of insurance, etc., as well as the estimated insurance premium rate and insurance premium expenditure. In actual implementation, we will open tender for the insurance types in this insurance program to determine the insurance service provider.