Do I need to apply for a label for sewage treatment in a medical institution?

Need to apply

"Technical specifications for medical institutions" will be divided into two types of sewage outfall management of medical institutions sewage outlets major outfalls and general outfalls.

Which, the implementation of key management of sewage discharge unit of the total sewage outfall for the main outfall, the implementation of simplified management of sewage discharge unit of the total sewage outfall for the general outfall. Involving special medical wastewater containing Class I pollutants, the section or facility outfall is the main outfall, special medical wastewater should be pre-treated accordingly, and then combined with other medical wastewater, infectious special medical wastewater only to illustrate the pre-treatment. Individual domestic sewage discharges directly into the environmental water body for the general outfall, discharged into the centralized sewage treatment facilities in cities and towns only to explain the direction of discharge.