The latest medical equipment on the acceptance of personnel and after-sales professional requirements?

Hello, in China's current regulations, for medical equipment acceptance and after-sales personnel professional is not a mandatory requirement, but in the after-sales maintenance is a medical device maintenance engineer.

Medical Equipment Maintenance Engineer

Master the basic theory and knowledge of medical equipment manufacturing and maintenance, engaged in the production of medical equipment, maintenance and sales of senior technical application specialists. Engaged in the main work includes: medical equipment manufacturing, maintenance and sales.

Career Overview

Enrolling in the Medical Device Engineer series, the most relevant specialty is medical device manufacturing and maintenance. Its core curriculum, including analog electronics, digital electronics, electrical controls, therapeutic devices, diagnostic devices, hospital equipment, medical

Using ultrasound, medical transducers, repair and maintenance of medical devices, medical device management and marketing, metalwork internships, clinical device instrumentation training, X-ray technology training, vocational skills training, and other courses. Set the professional direction, including

Including medical electronic instruments. Employment field, is the medical equipment manufacturing, marketing, maintenance and management departments.