The commodity name column corresponding to the code of the item is the article of the item, which is a legally effective basis for classification to limit the scope of goods in the item, and is given priority in the classification of the item.
"Harmonized System" is the main content of the items and subheadings, that is, on behalf of a variety of commodity names and their specifications, the 2007 version of the HS is distributed in 21 categories, 97 chapters (of which 77 chapters are empty chapter), in order to make the boundaries between the various items and subheadings are clear.
Expanded Information:
Rule No. 2 is divided into two main parts, the first part is actually an expansion of the coded Scope of goods:
The first level means that the goods listed in the heading include their incomplete or unfinished products, as long as they have the basic characteristics of complete or finished products, they should be included. For example, the lack of a wheel of the car, because of its missing parts can not affect the characteristics of the product itself, it should be classified as a complete product.
Baidu Encyclopedia - International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (Harmonized System)