What is included in secondary protective equipment

Before answering this question, let's talk about standard precautions. The so-called standard precautions refer to the measures taken on the principle based on the fact that the patient's blood, body fluids, secretions, and incomplete skin and mucous membranes may contain infectious agents, which include hand hygiene, wearing personal protective equipment, and paying attention to daily respiratory hygiene and coughing etiquette. The first two or three levels of protection are all related measures of protection taken on the basis of standard protection.

In fact, one, two or three levels of protection standards are not the same, in which the first level of protection is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of health care personnel, need to wear a good working clothes, wear a good hat, masks, and disinfection is required after contact with the patient; the second level of protection refers to the prevention and control of infectious diseases, the relevant health care personnel need to wear a good mask, goggles, etc., pay attention to the respiratory protection; the third level of protection refers to the second level of protection, the basis of the enhanced protection. On the basis of secondary protection, enhanced protection.

In fact, the second level of protection is the level of protection taken for the prevention and control of infectious diseases, the collection of samples, transfer of patients and other health care workers need to wear good medical protective clothing, wear good medical protective masks, masks, protective caps, etc., each time after contact with the patient to wash and disinfect immediately, it is best to change the mask every four hours, to pay attention to good respiratory protection and mucous membranes.

So what are the standards for primary and tertiary protection?

In fact, the first level of protection is for all health care workers engaged in the business of medical institutions, you need to wear overalls, disposable hats, isolation gowns, and a good disposable surgical mask. They need to be rubbed with iodophor disinfectant or other disinfectants for 1 to 3 minutes after each patient contact, and wear gloves when touching any body fluids, secretions and other substances.

The scope of application of the third level of protection standards is in close contact with the infectious disease population, responsible for specimen collection, treatment of patients' blood or secretions of health care workers, in addition to the second level of protection requirements, but also need to strengthen the protection of the goggles, protective masks can be replaced with a comprehensive respiratory protector or motorized air-flow filter respirator.