Simple respirator pressure safety valve when to open, when to close

Open: By gently pressing down on the cricoid cartilage with the thumb and forefinger, the esophagus, which is located at the lower end of the gas, is occluded, thus preventing the gas from entering the esophagus and the gastric contents from flowing back into the oropharynx and being accidentally inhaled.

Off: Off after ventilation.

The working principle of the simple respirator:

1, when squeezing the ball, generating positive pressure, the inlet valve will be closed, the internal gas is mandatory to push the duckbill valve to open and block the outlet valve, the ball of gas that is the body of the duckbill valve by the center of the incision sent to the patient. If oxygen is used, the gas is temporarily stored in the ball with the ball recovery suction action, and directly enters the patient's body when the ball is squeezed.

2, will be squeezed to release the ball, duckbill valve immediately pushed upward, and in a closed state, in order to make the patient spit out of the gas released by the air outlet.

3. At the same time, the inlet valve is subjected to the negative pressure generated by the release of the sphere, the inlet valve is opened, and the oxygen in the gas bag enters the sphere until the sphere returns to its original state before extrusion.

4, in order to avoid too high oxygen flow and too low number of extrusion caused by the ball and the storage bag pressure is too high, specially designed storage safety valve to release the excessive gas, in order to maintain a low pressure of oxygen supply, to protect the patient's safety.

5, which oxygen storage valve and oxygen storage bag must be combined with external oxygen, such as not connected to the oxygen should be removed from the two sets of components.

Reference: Baidu encyclopedia-simple respirator