What do diffuse reflection, reflection and refraction of the vary renderer mean? What is the function?

Hello, new and experienced friends! Welcome to class sharing time!

What we are going to share today is about: diffuse reflection, reflection, and refraction of the vary renderer! Regarding diffuse reflection, reflection, and refraction of the vary renderer, everyone must be confused: What do these reflections mean, and what are their functions?

Without further ado, let’s learn more about it together:

(1) Diffuse reflection: Simply speaking, it is the color, pattern or texture of an object. For example, if we see a white wall, then we say the wall is white. In fact, its diffuse reflection color is white. For example, if you meet a female netizen and she asks you what color clothes you are wearing, you say you are wearing yellow. Yes, clothes with patterns in the middle, then yellow clothes with patterns in the middle are diffuse reflection.

Function: It is the surface color, which can display the visible color.

(2) Reflection: Simply put, it is what we usually call reflection. For example, if you stand in front of a mirror, you will be reflected in the mirror. If you have a ceramic cup in your hand, you can see that the cup will be a little reflective. In fact, it is a reflection, but the degree of reflection of the ceramic cup is not as obvious as that of a mirror. If your white ceramic mug has a red rose printed on it, then we say the diffuse reflection of the mug is a white rose. We can distinguish white walls and white ceramics because they have different degrees of reflection. The wall has almost no reflection, which means that the white wall has almost no reflection.

Function: Mainly controls the surface reflection effect of the material. It has color control. The lighter the color, the stronger the surface reflection. Gray changes from complete reflection to partial surface reflection. Turning to white can simulate the stainless steel surface. Effect.

(3) Refraction: In VRAY, it refers to transparency. The greater the refraction value, the higher the transparency.

Function: Mainly controls transparency. The whiter the color, the more transparent it is. When using a refractor, use a Fresnel hook, otherwise the effect will be blurry!

In general, the difference between diffuse reflection, reflection, and refraction is quite large, so everyone must choose which reflection to use when rendering~Finally, share it Here, to learn more vray operation skills, just go~