Can instrument self-calibration replace periodical verification

Instrument self-calibration can replace periodical verification and is more effective, but it should be documented. A period check between two measurements is the minimum requirement, air and exhaust gas testing instruments should be checked at least once every 3 months, and it is better to check before each measurement.

Instrumentation self-calibration: no calibration procedures, can not be sent to the set of services, should be their own traceability of measuring equipment or standard substances, their own development of calibration specifications, part of the measurement of performance or parameters have been tested in order to provide data and its uncertainty report.

Period verification is to maintain the credibility of the calibration status of the equipment, between the two verification, including the period of verification of the equipment and reference standards during the verification, the two together is essentially equivalent to the ISO/IEC Guide 25 (1990) in the operation of the check. Such verification should be carried out in accordance with defined procedures. Periodic verification can enhance the confidence of the laboratory and ensure the accuracy and reliability of the test data.