There are two game modes in "Caesar 3": "Role Playing" and "City Building". "Role playing" is a level-playing type. There are 11 levels in the game. Players start from Citizen and move up one level, passing through Clerk, Engineer, Architect, and Quaestor. After the stages of , Procurator, Aedile, Praetor, Consul, and Proconsul, he finally became Caesar and had the addiction of being a Roman emperor. . In another mode, players can choose one of 12 cities around the Mediterranean and work hard to make it the richest place in the Roman Empire.
Building a Home
Okay, I believe players may be impatient, start building your own Roman Empire now! After first entering the game's main screen, players will see a toolbar on the right side of the screen. There are various symbols on it, such as "house", "water", "mask" and so on, which represent different meanings. "House" represents building a house, which costs 10Dn per house, and Dn is the dinar, the currency of ancient Rome. At the beginning of the game, you can only build tents, which are the prototype of a house. With economic development and increased prosperity, you can upgrade to a palace. Building many houses in a certain area can constitute a living area. The author's experience is to build four at a time, leaving one open space around it and then build four more. By building wells, gardens, fountains, etc. on the left open space to improve the environment, the houses can be quickly upgraded and the prosperity of the city can be increased.
"Shovel" means clearing the ground, 2Dn at a time, and buildings can only be built on flat land.
"Road" represents paving, a section of 4Dn (from now on I will mark the price directly behind the building), many buildings must be connected to roads. Through roads, people can transport goods, conduct trade, and make the economy develop rapidly.
"Water" represents the supply of water sources, including Well (Well) 5Dn, Reservoir (Reservoir) 80Dn, Aqueduct (Aqueduct) 8Dn, and Fountain (Fountain) 15Dn. Water is closely related to people's lives, so wells should be built around living areas first, and then reservoirs should be built on the river or seaside. The water should be introduced into the living areas through aqueducts, and then brought to people's clean domestic water through fountains.
"Mask" represents entertainment venues, including Theater (Theater) 50Dn, Arena (Amphitheater) 100Dn, Colosseum (Colosseum) 500Dn, Hippodrome (Hippodrome) 2500Dn, Gladiator School (Gladiator) ) 75Dn, Lion House (Lion House) 75Dn, Actor colony (Actor colony) 50Dn, Chariotmaker (Chariotmaker) 75Dn and other options. With the development of cities, people naturally require entertainment activities, and through the construction of these places, people's needs can be met. However, you need to build these according to your ability, and don’t build blindly and carry a heavy financial burden! In addition, only when a gladiator school, lion house, actor gathering place, and carriage house are built can there be animal fighting, horse racing, and performances to watch, otherwise the entertainment effect will not be achieved, remember!
The "cross" represents medical institutions, including barbershop (Barber) 25Dn, bathhouse (Baths) 50Dn, clinic (Doctor) 30Dn and hospital (Hospital) 300Dn. Having good medical standards is also a necessary condition to improve people's living standards. The lack of it will lead to the epidemic of plague.
Complete guide
Game keys
Although all problems can be solved with the mouse, the game still provides some hotkeys, which are described below:
P: Pause the game;
〔: Reduce the game speed;
〕: Increase the game speed;
Cursor keys: Scroll the map;
Spacebar: Return to the main map or the last classification map from the classification map;
F: Fire situation classification map;
D: Danger situation classification map ;
C: Crime classification map;
T: Problem classification map;
W: Water supply classification map;
1 : Enter the labor consultant screen;
2: Army consultant screen;
3: Emperor screen;
4: Level screen;
5: Trade screen;
6: Population screen;
7: Health care screen;
8: Education screen;
9 : Entertainment screen;
10: Religious screen;
11: Financial screen;
12: Main consultant screen;
Ctrl F1 , F2, F3 or F4: Define the location on the map;
F1, F2, F3 or F4: Go to the designated location on the map;
L: Go back and forth to watch the army;
F6: Screen resolution (must support the current game screen resolution);
F7: 640×480;
F8: 800×600;
F9: 1024×768.
Game Mode
The game has two modes, which prepare two different victory conditions for players with different hobbies, one is the target mode, and the other is the unlimited mode. There is a clear goal in the goal mode (Immediate goal), all operations must serve this goal, and the game will end after the goal. When the unlimited mode is not over, you can do your best to build the city as best as possible and eventually build a powerful Roman Empire. This mode has more room for development. You can strive to do everything best and is suitable for pursuit. Perfection to one's taste.
At the beginning of each level, Caesar will grant varying amounts of money, which can be used to develop the wilderness, build necessary municipal facilities, settle immigrants, etc. The amount of money is very limited, so after the city reaches a certain scale, a tax bureau should be built, and foreign trade can also be carried out to maintain daily expenses. However, it can still be "overdrafted" in temporary difficult situations. After the first batch of money is spent, Caesar can subsidize some more as appropriate. This is extremely important at critical moments and may play a role in bringing back the dead. But just this once, there won’t be another time.
City Construction
In the game, buildings are divided into 11 categories: residential, roads, water supply, education, entertainment, medical, industry, administration, religion, security and industrial sectors. , covering almost all functions of a city's normal operation, with almost no gaps. Different types of buildings can bring different services to citizens, making the city form an organic whole.
(1) Residence: Provide necessary accommodation for immigrants. It starts with a small tent (small tent), then a large tent (large tent), and can be gradually upgraded later, including small and large houses (shack), small and large huts (Hovel), small and large tents (Hovel), and small and large tents. Large House (Casa), Small, Medium and Large Insulae (Small insulae is the first building form that includes a taxed salary, with a reasonable tax rate of 8), Small, Medium, Large and Luxurious Villas. High-end houses (large villas or luxury villas require 3×3 plots). The largest houses (palaces require 4×4 plots).
Housing will only be upgraded when the surrounding facilities can reach a certain level of prosperity. Therefore, careful planning should be done when building housing to leave space for service facilities, such as bathhouses, schools, hospitals, etc. The house can be extended into the garden, but not into the statue's plot. If you want to make room for future expansion of the house, build a garden, not a statue. If you want to control the rate of house expansion, you can build the statuettes first and level them out later when you want to grow. Before upgrading some houses that require goods to upgrade, you need to accumulate some goods needed for house upgrades in the market and warehouse. If the supply of goods is unstable, housing may be upgraded and downgraded at one time or another.
Only with housing can there be a labor force. Most other buildings require employees. Employees for these units are found in nearby residential areas. Housing enables surrounding units to function properly. Conversely, build more residential areas near areas with labor problems.
(2) Roads: This is probably the most basic project of urban construction. Almost all buildings must be built next to roads, otherwise they will not be able to function. Make road construction as simple as possible, with fewer intersections and as straight as possible. Otherwise, not only will pedestrians get lost, but it will also affect the speed of urban prosperity. The road is a dirt road at the beginning. As the surrounding buildings are renovated, upgraded and prosperous, it will soon be upgraded to a road made of stones. In the future, the Plaza function in engineering technology can be used to upgrade the road to a colorful road.
(3) Water supply facilities: Provide water for production and living in the city. The best water supply facility is a reservoir (Resevoir). Build a reservoir near the river and then pass it through the aqueduct (Aqueduct) It can be diverted to the city, but another reservoir must be built to make the entire water supply system operate normally. Such a water supply system can supply water to a large area. Building a fountain (Fountain) in this area can automatically supply water and provide water to surrounding houses. If you are far away from such a water supply system, you can only build some water wells for emergency relief. Wells are also the only water supply facilities that can be built at the beginning. They do not require labor. Therefore, when labor is tight, you can only build wells and not fountains. However, later residents will think that the water in the wells is not as clean as the fountains, causing drinking water problems.
(4) Medical facilities: Reduce deaths caused by diseases among citizens. These include barbers, baths, doctors, and hospitals. If the medical facilities built are below a certain level, plague will spread in the city, causing the destruction of residential areas.
(5) Temple. There are five gods in the game, one is Ceres, the goddess of grain, the second is Neptune, the sea god, the third is Mercury, who is in charge of transportation and commerce, and the fourth is Mary, who is in charge of war. Mars, fifth is Venus, the goddess of love. These gods will help the city when you worship them. If you ignore their existence, they will also bring disaster to the city. Therefore, corresponding temples were built to please these gods of ancient Roman mythology. The temple should be built close to the housing in the residential area in order to obtain labor and be directly worshiped by the citizens. It is also an important indicator of the prosperity of the residential area (religious belief). These five temples must develop simultaneously, and do not favor one over the other. Otherwise, some of the gods may feel that you have neglected them, and misfortunes and disasters may befall the city. For example, when the God of Ceres is angry, the grain harvest of the season will be destroyed. When the God of Poseidon is angry, he will blow a storm on the sea and capsize the ships you trade through the sea trade routes. On the contrary, if these gods are satisfied with you building temples or holding celebrations from time to time, it will make your city more perfect. For example, Mars, the god of war, can cause most of the casualties to the invading enemy when he is happy. If funds are tight, you don't have to worry about whether Neptune is happy or not as long as there are no fishing and maritime trade tasks. He can't do anything to you if you don't build his temple.
Temples come in different sizes. Small temples are built in the early stages of the game. Once there is a reserve of marble, large temples can be built, as well as Oracles.
(6) Education department: including schools, universities, libraries, etc., it will affect the development of the city and the operation of other departments, and is a very important department. In the goal of passing the level, this item, health facilities, and entertainment facilities determine the indicators of cultural level.
(7) Entertainment facilities: including theater, arena, colosseum, hippodrome, gladiator school, lion house , art school (actor colon y) and vehicle factory (chariot maker), etc. These buildings are quite large, and if space is not set aside at the beginning, there may be nowhere to build them later. Its main function is to improve the happiness level of citizens, so that residents can be retained better and the morale of soldiers will be higher. The vehicle factory produces the tanks required by the arena. The arena not only entertained the citizens, but also improved the combat skills of the people.
(8) Administrative Department: This is a building that affects the city's taxation and infrastructure, including law enforcement (forum), Senate (senate), small official residence (Governor's house), medium-sized official residence (Governor's) villa), large official residence (Governo r's palace), small statue (small statue), medium state statue (medium state), large statue (large stat u), etc. The law enforcement department collects taxes and can only be built after the third level. This plays a very important role in future levels. Otherwise, if you cannot make ends meet, you will soon be unable to build. However, the tax rate charged should not be too high, otherwise it will easily arouse public resentment. The Senate can be said to be a symbol of the city. It accommodates idle people sitting on the steps to participate in work, but most of them still lack labor. Statues are used to beautify the city. More statues should be built in residential areas close to barracks. Otherwise, citizens' emotions will be too depressed and development will not be possible.
(9) Industrial buildings bring economic income to the city. Industries include gardens, plazas, engineering stations, low bridges, ship bridges, shipyards, docks and fisheries (wharf) etc. The construction of gardens and squares is to improve the conditions of housing and upgrade it. However, do not go overboard with gardens and plazas in the early stages, as they will cost too much, and build them only when demand increases and enough money is available. A bridge is used to connect two pieces of land separated by water. If the wharf is used for maritime trade with other cities, the wharf should be placed close to where the ships enter the map. Every time a sea trade channel is opened, a wharf needs to be built.
(5) Military facilities: They can prevent foreign enemies and protect the city. Its functions include wall, tower, gate ehouse, prefecture, fort, military academy, and bar racks. Among them, the most commonly built is the public security fire brigade, which should be built to the level of one post every five steps and one sentry every ten steps. They will patrol the roads and be responsible for the safety of urban buildings. If they are not built or built too sparsely, they can easily cause fires. Starting from the invasion of foreign enemies in the fourth pass, military construction becomes important. Only one barracks can be built. Based on the weapons reserves in the city, the warriors needed on the towers on the city wall and in the barracks are trained.
The city walls are not very good at defending against enemies. What can be defended are the towers and the later upgraded tender guns. Military camps include infantry legions (legionaries), javelin teams (auxiliaries-javelin), cavalry teams (auxiliaries-mounted), etc. The cavalry is a quick reaction force and can quickly arrive at the scene of the incident.
(11) Production facilities: including farms, raw materials, workshops, markets, granaries, warehouses, etc.
Among them, the farm is divided into wheat fields (wheat), orchards (fruit), vegetables (vegetables), olive trees (olive), vineyards (vines), pigsty (pigs), etc., which produce respectively Different food. Careful planning is required when placing your farm. If planned correctly, a small piece of fertile soil can turn into a large farm. Since establishing a farm on the edge of fertile soil can maximize the use of fertile soil, especially when there is only a small area of ??fertile soil on the map, it must be used carefully. When building, only one cell needs to touch fertile soil. Products produced on the farm, including wheat, fruits, meat, and vegetables, are stored in granaries and then distributed to citizens in residential areas by market merchants.
Raw materials include clay-pit, marble quarry, iron mine, and timber yard, and the products produced are provided to factories for production. If the factory does not have the corresponding raw materials, it will not be able to produce normally. Types of factories include wine, oil, weapons, furniture, and pottery. The products it produces are stored in warehouses. Warehouses not only store industrial products, but also agricultural products. Both granaries and warehouses have a special order function. Creative use of the special order function can greatly increase the potential capabilities of industry and trade. Warehouses can be made dedicated to only store one or two types of goods, making it easier to control the flow of goods, especially when transporting goods from one side of a big city to the other.
The core of the game is to build a perfect city, so construction is the most important task in the game, starting from planning roads and residential areas, and using various means to make the city gradually As it grows, it provides water sources for citizens, builds factories, provides entertainment facilities, protects the safety of the city, and constantly builds various facilities according to the needs of citizens. In the end, it almost covers the entire map, which takes a lot of effort. The construction is people-centered. Everything built in the game serves the citizens of the city and is also based on the evaluation of the citizens. After planning, buildings will be upgraded, collapsed, or disappear depending on how good the plan is, and the city will gradually prosper. Some buildings are upgraded automatically, such as residential areas, and it is easy to discover the pros and cons of your own plan from the quality of the house. After the house is upgraded, the number of people living in it will also increase. In fact, it is not that the more houses are built, the better, but that they are built well. The degree of prosperity mainly depends on the level of housing. If most of the houses are dilapidated and the prosperity index is not high, it will not be able to pass the test. The upgrade of some buildings is restricted by materials, such as small temples and large temples. The prosperity of some buildings only changes the graphics, and their functions do not change. For example, springs, markets, and bathhouses will also be upgraded when they reach their prosperity level. This upgrade is just a graphic upgrade so that nearby improvements can be seen, but they The functionality does not change after the upgrade.
From the beginning to the end of each level, supporting facilities to prevent disasters must not be underestimated. Build a security fire brigade to prevent house fires, and put out the fire after the house catches fire to prevent it from spreading to other buildings. The construction engineering station also patrols the streets constantly, repairing houses to prevent them from collapsing.
Building baths, barber shops, and hospitals can prevent and treat diseases, etc. Whether planning is reasonable is also closely related to the occurrence of natural disasters. Taking fires with great destructive power as an example, overcrowding of buildings is the main cause of large-scale fires. Reasonable planning can significantly reduce the degree of disaster. Like other simulation games, disaster is the biggest enemy. Fire, plague, building collapse, and enemy attacks will quickly destroy the city you have worked so hard to build if left unchecked.
Don't build two residential areas at the beginning, otherwise you may be in big trouble. The layout of the city must be well planned so that it is not too far away from farmland and sources of raw materials and water. Great attention should also be paid to the construction of some buildings that are related to each other. For example, building a grain silo close to a farm can reduce the number of people pushing carts. Placing the factory at the raw material supply point, placing the warehouse close to the factory, and placing the market close to the warehouse can also reduce the number of people pushing carts in the screen. Different facilities have good and bad effects on the city. You need to consider them from two aspects. For example, establishing a market near a residential area can increase the land price in the area, but excessive environmental pollution will make your citizens very dissatisfied. In short, you must work hard. Make the city more perfect.
A trade route must be established as soon as possible. Once the city's food supply is stable, check a map of your empire to find out where you can trade profitably. Then there is no need to rush to evolve the house first. First produce goods for trade so that you have enough funds.
In addition, issues such as food (food shortages will cause instability among the people) and trade issues (involving economic income) should also be handled carefully to ensure the steady development of the city. Likewise, pay attention to lowering tax rates once you are able to collect them. Taxes don't do much good early in the game and can make people resentful. In construction, there is mostly a shortage of labor force, but there are also situations where there is an overabundance of labor force, which results in unemployment. It is best not to let the unemployment rate exceed 20. If this happens, we need to build some more labor-intensive buildings to increase employment opportunities, such as building more hospitals.
National Defense
In addition to building and planning cities, as the ruler of a huge empire, the issue of war cannot be avoided. After the fourth level, you will encounter intrusion from Rome's enemies. At this time, you must have a certain amount of national defense power to effectively defend the city. When there is a foreign invasion, attention should be paid to building walls, towers, military camps and barracks to defend the built city. The best defense is obviously the tower, whose tumblers can sometimes wipe out an invading army. The enemies in the game include natives, Greeks and all kinds of enemies in the future. Different from the previous game, this time the combat part and the construction part are no longer separated, but the combat and city planning are combined. The shape of the city will affect the combat situation. Generally, the buildings of the military department should be arranged at the forefront. Build some military camps in the central part of the city, where the cavalry can respond quickly to the invaders. Although the infantry corps and javelin corps are effective, it takes a long time to rush from the military camp to the scene of the incident. Often, by the time they arrive, the enemy has already Attacked the city. Javelins are slightly faster and can attack from a distance, making them a better unit than infantry. Only 6 corps can be built in the city, and the troops can be formed into groups, so that the battle becomes more orderly, and different formations can be planned to charge to the enemy. The best defense is to have 6 armies blocking the city gate to block the enemies outside the city. Arrange the troops in a line, with the cavalry in front and the javelin team behind, so that the enemy can enter the shooting range of the javelin machine on the tower. The service life of the tender bolt is relatively long.
Don't underestimate the enemy. If the enemy can attack the city and you have no troops, two or three enemies can level the city to the ground. It takes 2 years to build an army to reach the required number, but it can be enough to withstand enemies that invade within 10 years. Make a final save before an enemy attacks. If the battle is lost, you can return to the original situation and build defensive facilities where protection is most needed. Do it all over again, otherwise the risk is too great, because if you don't fail two or three times, you often can't block the enemy's attack well.
In order to remain invincible in battle, you must start training troops and upgrading equipment before the enemy invades. Of course, this requires properly handling the relationship between construction and military affairs. Although the entire history of the Roman Empire is a history of war, don't go too far in military expansion and preparation for war, because this game is not a war game, otherwise riots will soon break out in the city.
Artificial Intelligence
The artificial intelligence of the third generation has been greatly improved compared to the previous game, and it performs very well in the details of the game. Every time a building is built, people with corresponding professions will come out of the residential areas and come to work here. If a Senate was built, a government official would come out to inspect the city to check for crime, water conditions, and so on. If the city planning is good, you can quickly understand the current problems of urban construction through these.
The improvement of artificial intelligence is also reflected in the thinking ability of citizens. They not only make suggestions, but also provide feedback on problems that occur in the city, such as hunger, boredom, fires, etc. If you really don’t know what to build, you can ask a few citizens, and you can often find out what the current problems are in the area.
In terms of architecture, the games have also changed from the previous independent situation. Many buildings are related to each other. For example, if actors are not trained, the theater cannot be staged. Without racing chariots, the arena would not work. Without an arena, soldiers' combat skills cannot be improved.
3. Complete strategy
First level: New Governor, build a small village.
Goal: Reach 150 people and build some buildings.
Clear a vacant lot and build a road perpendicular to the original road. Then start building houses and dotting some wells. Soon outsiders began to build houses on the homestead. It wasn't long before the first houses caught fire, and then a police station (prefecture) could be built, and these officers began to patrol the roads, detect fires, and put out the fires. Several police stations were built along the streets, and people would put out the burning houses. There will be much less chance of fires in the future. However, the good times did not last long, and one house collapsed. Although ancient Rome had advanced technology, it still couldn't prevent the house from collapsing. Only then can an Engineering Station (Engineers' Post) be built, with engineers responsible for patrolling the streets, discovering dangers in houses, and repairing them in a timely manner. You can also build a Senate at this time, and only one is allowed in a city. The Senate would employ human labor sitting on the steps, adding labor to the city. The roads around the Senate are paved with stones, and the buildings and roads nearby will also be upgraded in the future. At this time, five temples need to be built in the city. As expected, the conditions for passing the customs have been met. After passing the test, he was promoted to secretary (Cler k).
The second level, Brundisium, provides food to the citizens.
Goal: The population reaches 650 people, build a granary and fill it with food.
Safety facilities, housing, food and water must be built in order. Without housing and food, immigrants will not come to the city. This level requires you to produce food yourself, and you can build a farm on some fertile land (with yellow grass). Build roads between houses. Don't be too far away from housing, otherwise you won't get labor. Build a market near the granary, and once there is enough labor, merchants (Market Traders) will appear. They walked around the market. These merchants brought food back to the market from nearby granaries. Some merchants walked past the houses and sold the food to the citizens. In the future, when cities have warehouses to store grain, these markets will sell daily necessities (Commodities) just like food.
The third level: Capua established a town (colony)
350 BC. Italy.
The goal is to reach a population of 2500, a prosperity level of 10, a culture level of 75, a peace level of 20, and a popularity level of 60.
Caesar the Great wants you to build a small city south of Rome and requires you to provide more goods and services, which requires careful planning. Since the new city is rich in resources, related industries must be built and trade routes opened up during his tenure. Export more in exchange for enough funds and allow citizens to pay taxes to ensure that the city can survive well. Establishing a dock can carry out maritime trade, and a warehouse should be built near the dock to store goods to be exported and imported goods. After opening the sea trade route, the ships will enter the port and then notify the trade consultants what to buy and what to sell. There should be roads and sources of labor near the dock.
The indicators given by Caesar are not too high. They only have requirements in four aspects: peace, prosperity, culture, popularity and population, so he will often ask you for some goods. , you should try your best to satisfy him. If you can give it to him quickly, you can make him happy and your favor level will increase accordingly.
At the same time, we must pay careful attention to the mood of the citizens. If the city's taxes are too high, wages are too low, food is scarce or there is a large number of unemployment, the citizens will not tolerate this. Not only will it be difficult to attract immigrants, but people in the city will also If they leave one after another, the crime rate in the city will increase. Once it enters a vicious circle, the city will not be able to develop.
In this level, as long as we grasp the balance between food and labor and keep the population of the city increasing, we can quickly cope with it. The difficulty was Caesar's request. At first he asked for olive oil. He only needed to build more olive tree farms and oil mills, and tribute could be handed in soon. But the fruits that were later requested were also a source of food for the city. Although the orchards produced a lot, the warehouses could not collect them at all. In the end, some granaries for harvesting fruits were bulldozed and converted into warehouses. The quantity required by Caesar was quickly purchased and sent to Caesar. His popularity quickly increased and he passed the test. The other new things in this level are health, culture and trade, which are relatively easy to solve.
The fourth level is Syracuse (Syracusae): a more dangerous province
Goal: population reaches 4,000, prosperity level reaches 20, favor level reaches 20, education level reaches 40, Peace Level 25.
Syracuse is a key point in the empire. Just look at the map and you will know why it is important. It is located at the most prominent point in southern Italy and the surrounding waters must be controlled. Since this was a strategic location, a permanent town could not be reliably built. What we are facing are severe challenges. Defend it against the enemies of Rome. Especially the invasion of the Greeks. There is only one precious farm in Siracusa. The climate here is suitable for growing olive oil, but most of the land may have to be used to grow wheat to feed and clothe the people in the city. Perhaps importing food can alleviate the problem. shortage phenomenon. At the same time, some land must be left to plant olive trees to meet the empire's insatiable demand for olive oil.
The farm in this level is only a quarter of the size of the previous level, but it has to feed almost twice as many citizens as the previous level. It is really difficult to avoid it. At the same time, Caesar the Great comes every now and then. The order requires the import of olive oil, but it's really hard to get by without leaving some land to plant olive trees. This little land is really not enough. But the most difficult thing is not this. There is already the danger of enemy invasion at this level. It won't take long for peace to be established before enemies will invade from all directions. First came the three Greeks in the west. These three men quickly razed the city to the ground, making it almost unstoppable. Then came two groups of enemies from the north and the south, many in number, demolishing houses and killing people on sight. The key therefore is to establish military facilities. The first is to build a city wall. One layer thick cannot withstand the enemy's three punches and two kicks, but two layers thick can withstand the first few batches of enemies. Building a tower on the city wall can use javelins to keep the enemy out of the city wall when the enemy attacks the city. From the beginning, you need to build barracks and produce weapons. To produce weapons, you need to build mines. In fact, you can quickly start trade and import some steel.
Only with weapons can the barracks train soldiers. If a military academy is added, the trained soldiers can be made more powerful. At the same time, enshrining Mars, the god of war, will help you eliminate one or two groups of enemies.
Because you smashed the Greeks' plan to attack Syracuse and open up the Mediterranean to Rome, you were promoted to Inspector (Q uaestor) after the victory and accepted the next task.
Level 5 Mediolanum, a very dangerous province
In 220 BC, the Carthage War (Punic War).
Goal: Population reaches 7,000, prosperity level reaches 25, popularity level reaches 30, education level reaches 40, and peace level reaches 40.
This was an important town in the Roman Empire near the northern Alps. The mission is to build a city of 7,000 people under the Alps, with a higher level of prosperity and culture than before. This goal is not the highest.
The rugged terrain of this level can be said to be a new challenge, but the fierce battles in this level are the real challenge. The enemy he faced this time was the general Hannibal. This war was the Carthaginian War between the Roman Empire and Cathage for the Mediterranean. This mission is to defend the city built in the Alps and block Hannibal's attack.
There are many maps in this level. Although it is in the Alps, you can’t tell from the screen at all. The most annoying thing is the wolves, which almost kill the immigrants who will come to the new city. No matter how many troops are sent to fight, it will not help. Last?/cagt;