After defeating Shizuku, Venom Snake pulls a gun on Shizuku, Kaz urges you to execute Shizuku immediately, and Bobcat thinks Shizuku has something to offer. During this time the player has two choices: shoot or wait. Shooting immediately will kill Jing, not shooting will bring her back to the base.
Only after that, as the mission progresses, it triggers a side mission back to the base to visit Silence's cell, on the medical platform helipad directly across from the down staircase. After that you pretty much visit back to base every few missions, after which you'll trigger the event where Shizuku is programmed to be a partner.
The Butterfly Badge is to take Shizuku out on the battlefield, just make sure her kill count is higher than yours during this mission
The Butterfly Badge is only valid if you keep it on at all times