What are the features of the Chinese EC120B Hummingbird helicopter?

The EC120 Hummingbird is a five-seat, single-engine light helicopter jointly developed by France-based Eurocopter, China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation, Harbin Aircraft Industry (Group) Company and Singapore Aerospace Corporation.

Single-engine EC120 "Hummingbird", is currently one of the world's newest 1.5-ton helicopter, the Chinese side is responsible for the fuselage, landing gear, fuel, hydraulics, maneuvering, ventilation, de-icing and more than a dozen system design and production, accounting for 24% of the shares; the new party is responsible for the tail beam, flat tail, culvert tail rotor, tail skid The new party is responsible for the design and production of composite components such as the tail beam, flat tail, culvert tail rotor, tail skid and hatch, with a 15% stake (the business was later subcontracted to Hafei); the French party is responsible for the overall design, rotor blades, drive train, on-board equipment, as well as general assembly, debugging, ground testing, flight testing and certification, with a 61% stake.

The EC120 adopts a lot of advanced technology in the world, and is a simple, effective, well-maintained, easy-to-maneuver, comfortable and low-cost helicopter. The aircraft has good performance: the empty weight is 850 kilograms; the maximum level flight speed is 240 kilometers per hour; it can take off with a total weight of 1,600 kilograms; the helicopter's stable descent rate is 427 meters per minute under the condition of 120 kilometers per hour; and the overflight noise is only 5 decibels.

The EC120 helicopter is capable of carrying out a variety of tasks such as passenger transportation, cargo transportation, training, patrol, observation, communication, pesticide spraying, and medical rescue.