How to open a good section of the nursing meeting of the efficient chapter

Li Li went out to study for a month, coinciding with the departmental level review meeting, although Li Li is not at home, the meeting was held as scheduled.

Li Li returned to the department after asking about the meeting, the response of the people but let a person shocked:

"The meeting is very important, but the tiger head and snake tail."

"The purpose of the meeting was not clear to me."

Why is the purpose of an important meeting not clear?

Another January meeting on healthcare quality and safety is coming up, so how do you avoid problems like these and make the meeting efficient? Li Li in the section and the hospital on the basis of the survey, redesigned the entire meeting of the organization.

The so-called meeting is one of the means to an end in an organization.

1. Prepare the meeting according to the purpose, oriented to the output of the results.

1) Determine the purpose of the meeting

By dividing all meetings into three types, the purpose of each meeting will gradually emerge. Take this time to look at all the meetings and then discuss the ones where the purpose is not clear.

According to the direction of obtaining and transmitting information, meetings are divided into three types:

The top-down type: information from the top down, used for the superior to subordinates to convey and explain ideas, instructions, etc.

The top-down type: information from the top down, used for the superior to subordinates to convey and explain ideas, instructions.

Bottom-up type: information from the bottom up, used for subordinates to report to the supervisor of the progress of the work, report on the status of the market and so on.

Full participation type: information **** enjoy, used for problem solving, exchange of views.

① Inventory of necessary meetings, as well as meetings that can be recalled.

"Morning meetings on weeks 1-5," "regular Thursday meetings," "departmental nursing meetings held once a month," " Ad hoc meetings", "meeting to respond to complaints and claims", "quality assurance meeting" and so on and so forth to make a list.

② Make a list of the three types of meetings mentioned above and decide whether they are necessary or not.

Fill in all the meetings listed in this categorized form.

Meeting form for a department for September 2016:

For example, "Thursday's regular meeting", which consists of three types of activities, including both directive orders from the head nurse, reports from nurses, and corrective discussions of recent adverse events, you would fill out the form at "Thursday's meeting" in the "top-down" column, and "Thursday's meeting (team leader's report)" in the "bottom-up" column. ". In the "All Hands" column, write "Thursday's meeting (group discussion)".

Is there a meeting in this process that is neither Type 1, nor Type 2, nor Type 3? If it does, it is likely to be a "customary" meeting with an unclear purpose. Whether or not such a meeting is really necessary is a matter for discussion.

For example, the same report is presented at both the "Monday morning meeting" and the "once-a-month meeting". At this point, you should probably scrap one of the two. If you don't have a meeting that involves all the staff, it is necessary to arrange such an opportunity for your subordinates to take the initiative and exchange opinions with each other. Of course, it may not have to be in the form of a meeting, which is irrelevant.

2) Preparation for the meeting according to the purpose of the meeting

Name of the meeting:

Type of the meeting:

Arrangement of the meeting venue and seating staff:

Preparation of meeting equipment and tools:

Meeting host:

Meeting process:

An example:

Name of the meeting: Departmental QA meeting

Meeting type: top-down type + full participation type

Meeting venue and seating arrangements: U-shaped seating arrangements, outpatient emergency medical staff

Meeting equipment and tools, personnel preparation: notebooks and paper, tea, taking pictures

Meeting facilitator: head nurse

Meeting process:

1)? Director of the head nurse to convey the hospital, the department self-examination of quality control (15min);

2) doctors, each team leader to report on the department's medical and nursing quality control that month (30min);

3) to confirm that other people have anything to add (10min);

4) director, the head nurse to give feedback on the response (20min);

5) intermediate break ( 5min);

6) related functional departments to answer related questions (30min),

7) hospital leaders to summarize the speech (15min),

8) summarize the summary of the development of feasible programs (10min).

2. Flexible form, in the report and discussion on the organization of the language.

1) Flexible format, 15-minute meeting to solve multiple problems.

Purpose: To help interns familiarize themselves with the process of orientation, and be able to cope with the problems that arise in the process of orientation.

Meeting name: outpatient clinic internship students (guide) regular meeting (15 minutes)

Meeting type: top-down type + bottom-up type + full participation type

Meeting venue and seating arrangements: outpatient hall by the guide desk

Meeting equipment and tools to prepare: paper, pens

Meeting moderator: the head of the nurses

Meeting Procedure:

Q&A (10min)

Questions from interns: How to guide the patient without trauma leg pain? What if a radiology patient asks for a refund? Where is the pain department?

Nurse: distinguish between femoral head necrosis or gout? From the pain site, medication history, the nature of the pain on the difference. The former see the bone outside, the latter see endocrinology. The process of radiology patient refund .......

Summary: Summary of questions asked and performance of last week's internship students (5min).

2) The organization of the meeting language

The meeting language is the flesh and blood of the meeting, if you do not pay attention to the guidance, it is easy to turn into an emotional venting or cumbersome form of reporting, and can not achieve the purpose of efficient meetings.

Sixteen-word guideline: state the facts, express feelings, make suggestions, and seek support.

An example:

Name of the meeting: outpatient nursing quality control staff meeting

Type of meeting: top-down type + bottom-up type + full participation type

Meeting venue and seating arrangements: outpatient clinic office

Preparation of equipment and tools for the meeting: pen and paper, quality control and rectification of notices

The host of the meeting: the head nurse

The process: the head nurse

The meeting was held at the end of the day, and the meeting was held at the end of the day, and the meeting was held at the end of the day.


1, the head nurse to convey quality control rectification notice (5min): spare drugs management

2, analysis of the current outpatient departments on spare drugs and quality control of the current situation on the quality of the department (10mim)

3, the quality control nurses to discuss the departments of spare drugs quality control problems and suggestions for improvement (10min)

4, head nurse Summarize the recommendations of each department (5min)

In the 2,3,4 session of the meeting language organization, basically according to the sixteen-word policy: state the facts, express feelings, make suggestions, seek support.

Presentation of facts: the use of spare drugs in the department

Feelings: the management of spare drugs is necessary, but the base should be carefully sorted out.

Suggestions made: reduce what can be left out of the standby, and do a good job of establishing the base first.

Seek support: talk to ward matrons and doctors.

In order to better help you use this expression, the head nurse cited a question about an outpatient department to reduce the rate of defects in the management of resuscitation trolleys PDCA to promote the process of analyzing the causes.

The analysis of the causes mentioned the lack of responsibility, the lack of implementation of the core system, and so on.

In the end, the nurse manager on-site inspection found that the doctor has a habit of always used to move the rescue car.

The head nurse expressed her disapproval of the formalized approach and thinking of some departments in the promotion of PDCA.

It is recommended that we pay attention to the cause analysis and ask why, not always big and empty reasons.

In support of this, we are encouraged to communicate more with the wards or doctors, and to study the PDCA courseware online. When in doubt, you can also come to yourself and try to give as much support as you can in your approach.

3) meeting summary: review celebration (2-5min)

As the host, there is a very important part of the end of the meeting, that is, the entire meeting summary. Facilitate a better understanding of the content of the meeting, and more importantly, to enhance the confidence of the participants, improve the execution of everyone. Simply put: empowerment.

Recall the celebration: secondary learning, increase the value of participants

An example: to improve the integrity of the management of instruments and equipment in a department of the first meeting

Recall: do, learn, line, support.

? Done : Analyze the current situation: unexplained damage to instruments and equipment, not returned to their place or organized after use.

? Learn : It turns out that the unexplained damage to equipment is related to the fact that some personnel did not receive the car in time during the hot weather

? Act : Immediately implement the instrumentation form combing, shift registration (in January)

? Support : After the meeting, what support will be given to send microblogging, 3 months follow-up supervision.

Celebration : Contribution Presentation Blessing

Purpose : To see that the participants are energized, to establish an alliance

Process :

1) The contribution of the participants to the purpose of the meeting

2) What excellent qualities of the participants are presented in this contribution

3) Blessing for the future

Example: Thank you very much for your cooperation, it is because of your interest in the issue ...... , presented in the process of good brains, diligent observation, to see your excellent qualities: the courage to take responsibility, and actively improve, this ..... Will better support the realization of the purpose of today's meeting, in the previous or others dare not try to successfully implement the place. I believe that you will play a role in accordance with the plan step by step, but also bless you.

3, after the meeting of the finishing summary and implementation (results output part)

1) meeting records finishing

2) the meeting to improve the classification of matters

For example, the department needs to supervise the improvement of the matter: infusion orders for the addition of drugs and puncture people can not sign on behalf of the signatures, etc.;

Coordination: the norms of the infusion of the flushing tube, etc.;

request for instructions: 120 telephone failure of the emergency procedures, an ambulance chair modification, etc.;

At the same time, adverse event reporting and PDCA cycle synchronization follow-up.

3) Improvement matters into the schedule

4) Action to improve (the most important step in the output of results)