What is the principle of ozone generator

Acquisition method

The use of high-pressure ionization (or chemical, photochemical reaction), so that part of the oxygen in the air decomposition and polymerization of ozone is an isotopic transformation process of oxygen; can also be obtained by electrolysis of water. The instability of ozone makes it difficult to realize the bottle storage, generally only the use of ozone generators on-site production, production and use. Classification of ozone generators According to the ozone generation, ozone generators are divided into three main types: a high-voltage discharge, the second is ultraviolet irradiation type, the third is electrolytic. Ozone generator circuit by the transistor VT1, VT2 and inductor coil L1-13, pulse transformer T, current limiting resistor R1, charging capacitor C3, two-way trigger diode dangling 5, etc. Push-pull oscillator circuit; filtering inductor coil L0, rectifier diode VD1 and filtering capacitors C1, C2, etc. Composed of a half-wave rectifier filtering circuit. Turn on the power supply, 220V AC voltage filtered by LO, VD1 rectifier, at both ends of the C1 to produce ten 280V or so, supplying the push-pull oscillation circuit. At the moment of power-on, VT1 conduction. Due to the charging effect of C3, bidirectional trigger diode VD5 cutoff. When the charging voltage at both ends of C3 rises to 32V, VD5 is triggered and conducts, making VT2 conductive. In the VT2 conduction period, C3 gradually discharged, and make VT2 cut-off. VTl conduction, under the action of the pulse transformer T, L1, L2 on the positive feedback voltage, this voltage was added to the base of VTl and VT2, so that the VTl and VT2 alternately conduct and cut-off (i.e., VTl conductive, VT2 cut-off; VT2 conductive, VTl cut-off), push-pull oscillator oscillation circuit work. After the push-pull oscillation circuit works, the pulse transformer T produces pulse high voltage on the secondary side winding L6, so that the ozone generator VG works to produce ozone.

At the same time, the light-emitting diode VD7 also lights up and works. Component selection VTl, VT2 choose 2SC2653 or BU406 type silicon NPN high back-voltage transistor. Requirements for current amplification coefficient β & gt; 100. VDl a VD4, VD6 selection of 1 N4007-type rectifier diode; VD5 selection of DB3-type bidirectional trigger diode. R1 a R6 all choose RJ a 1/8W type metal film resistor. L0 is a 5mH magnetic core inductor coil, available Φ0.25mm enameled wire in the skeleton around 210 turns; L1 a lu with Φ0.2mm single-core plastic copper wire in the same ring wound into, of which L1, L2 were wound around 3 turns, L3 around 9 turns. Pulse transformer T can be converted using 14in (inch) black and white TV line output transformer, converted with high voltage package as L6, in the low-voltage package skeleton with Φ0.45mm enameled wire winding 168 turns as L4, with Φ0.23mm enameled wire winding 4 turns as L5 (in the outermost layer of the winding). The ozone generator VG is selected as Z II 10 or Z I 15 or Z I 20. Production and commissioning In addition to the ozone generator VG all electronic components installed in a homemade printed circuit board, and will be mounted in a suitable size of plastic or wooden box. In the box surface hole fixed light-emitting diode VD7, connected to the ozone generator VG, as long as the components are good, wiring error-free, power can work normally.

Generator and discharge tube

The core technology and equipment of the ozone system is the generator in the discharge tube, which directly affects the operating efficiency and reliability of the equipment. The ozone generator adopts micro-gap dielectric blocking discharge design, which not only greatly improves the efficiency of operation, but also increases the safety and reliability of the system continuous operation. The technical parameters of the equipment have reached the international advanced level.

Because of the use of micro-gap discharge technology, so that the system operating voltage is reduced to 6-8 kV, far below the level of glass tube insulation medium voltage resistance, effectively avoiding the occurrence of dielectric breakdown short-circuit faults, and improve the operational reliability.

The modular design of the ozone generator discharge unit makes it easier to install, overhaul and maintain the equipment. Under the condition of guaranteeing the quality of the inlet gas source, the maintenance-free time of the ozone generator discharge unit for continuous operation can be as long as 5 years.

High-frequency high-voltage power supply

With the traditional ozone medium-frequency (<1kHz) power supply is different, high-frequency high-voltage ozone system adopts 3-6kHz high-frequency power supply technology, combining with the micro-discharge gap design can effectively improve the efficiency of ozone generation, reduce the volume of the generator and the space occupied, so as to reduce the civil engineering design and investment costs. The inverter power supply system adopts mature high-frequency power supply technology, and the long-term operation on site proves that it can guarantee the stability of the system in long-term operation. High-frequency output by the boosting system to produce sinusoidal high voltage, through the cable and the generator connected to the high-frequency high-voltage action, the discharge gap produces a cold plasma discharge to generate ozone. Ozone concentration

Ozone is a mixture of gases whose concentration is usually expressed in terms of mass ratio and volume ratio. Mass ratio refers to the unit volume of the gas mixture contains how much mass of ozone, commonly used units mg / L, mg / m3 or g / m3 and so on. Volume ratio refers to the volume content or percentage content of ozone per unit volume, using a percentage expression such as 2%, 5%, 12%, etc.. Health industry commonly used ppm ozone concentration, that is, per cubic ozone mixture of ozone in the volume of ozone accounted for one millionth of 1 ppm. ozone concentration is a measure of the technical content of the ozone generator and the performance of the important indicators. Under the same working conditions, the higher the ozone output concentration, the higher the quality.

The main factors affecting the ozone concentration are

1, the structure of the ozone generator and processing accuracy;

2, cooling methods and conditions;

3, drive voltage and drive frequency;

4, dielectric material;

5, the oxygen content of raw material gas and the cleanliness and dryness.

6, the efficiency of the generator power system (high efficiency, less heat conversion.)

Ozone is a highly oxidizing unstable gas, ozone output concentration is affected by a variety of factors, including the cavity temperature is one of the most important factors; ozone at about 30 degrees will be attenuated by half in 1 minute. At 40~50℃ the attenuation reaches 80%. Ozone will decompose immediately when it exceeds 60℃.

Ozone production refers to the ozone generator unit time ozone output; ozone concentration values and into the ozone generator into the total volume of gas values of the product that is the ozone production; usually use mg / h, g / h, kg / h these units. Ozone generator standard ozone generator specifications and models using ozone production and differentiation. Small ozone generators use g/h as a unit, large ozone generators use kg/h as a unit to distinguish the size of the specification.

In 2011, the country introduced the latest national standards, for the first time to regulate the concentration of ozone in different applications.

1, food purification:

From the surface and inside the degradation of fruits and vegetables, food residues of fertilizers, pesticides and other toxic substances, remove meat, eggs in the antibiotics, chemical additives, hormones and other harmful substances, kill seafood easy to cause poisoning of the salinophilic bacteria, to keep the disease from entering the mouth.

2, drinking water purification:

Tap water is a high-quality drinking water after ozone treatment. Each liter of water only need to pass into the O3 2 minutes to remove residual chlorine in the water, sterilization, disinfection, deodorization, removal of heavy metals, to prevent the generation of carcinogenic substances trichloromethane, increase the oxygen content of the water, homemade ideal pure drinking water.

3, disinfection and sterilization:

Washing food and beverage utensils into the water through the O3 for 20 minutes, can remove detergent residues, kill bacteria, viruses, instead of electronic sterilizer, to avoid food and beverage utensils infectious diseases. It can also disinfect and deodorize clothing, towels, rags, socks and other water media.

4, air purification:

The ozone exhaust pipe will be hung at a height of more than 1.7 meters, the emission of O3 20 - 30 minutes, you can effectively remove indoor smoke or decorative materials, odor, dust sterilization, increase air oxygenation, fresh air, so that you can enjoy at home after the rain forest fresh air (can be used in the home, the office, the conference room, entertainment in addition to the smoke, dust removal, sterilization, deodorization).

5, fruit and vegetable freshness, mold:

Family fruit and vegetable freshness just to the bagged fruits and vegetables into the O3 2 minutes, can extend the freshness period of 7 days, can also be used for cellar mold, fruit and vegetable transportation.

6, bathing, beauty, health care:

Washing ozone bath has become fashionable in foreign countries, through the ozone bath treatment of disease has been many years of history, which is another magical effect of O3. Often wash ozone bath can eliminate toxins, activate epidermal cells, eliminate acne, whiten the skin, rheumatism, skin diseases, gynecological diseases, diabetes and gray nails, etc. have good results.

7, fish, watering flowers:

Watering flowers, greenhouse vegetables sprinkler irrigation, can avoid pests, reduce the use of pesticides.

Fish farming, aquaculture, O3 into the water to release the primary ecological oxygen, destroy bacteria, viruses, oxidize impurities, prevent water spoilage, increase the nutrients in the water.

8, deodorization:

Because ozone has a strong oxidative decomposition ability, can quickly and completely eliminate the air, water, a variety of odors. Ozone generator selection is very important should be selected from the following aspects:

Determine the model

Purchase of ozone generators should first determine the use of its purpose, it is used for air sterilization and deodorization also used for water treatment. For air treatment, you can choose a low concentration of economic open-type ozone generator, which includes a gas source open and open without a gas source of two kinds of the best selection of gas source models. This type of ozone generator structure is simple and inexpensive, but the working temperature and humidity affect the amount of ozone generation. The above open ozone generator is the simplest ozone device, for the high requirements of the place of air treatment should also choose a high concentration of ozone generator. Air treatment according to 20-50mg/m3 standard put, the food and drug industry to choose a high value. Can be based on the size of the space conversion that is the total amount of ozone (i.e., ozone generator output). Used for water treatment must purchase a high concentration of ozone generator (ozone concentration greater than 12mg / L), low concentration of ozone treatment of water is ineffective. High-concentration ozone generators come standard with a gas source and a gas source treatment device and an ozone generator. Small can be designed as a one-piece model output between 5-200g / h, large and medium-sized ozone generator is basically in the form of units.

Identify the quality

The quality of ozone generators can be identified from the manufacture of materials, system configuration, cooling, operating frequency, control mode, ozone concentration, gas source and power consumption indicators and other aspects. High-quality ozone generator should be high dielectric material manufacturing, standard configuration (including gas source and purification device), double electrode cooling, high-frequency drive, intelligent control, high ozone concentration output, low power consumption and low gas consumption.


Quality ozone generator from the design to the configuration and manufacturing materials are in accordance with its standards, the cost is much higher than the low-grade generator and low configuration generator. However, the performance of high-quality ozone generator is very stable, ozone concentration and production are not affected by environmental factors. The low configuration of the ozone generator work by the environmental impact, temperature and humidity increases can make the ozone production and concentration of a substantial decline, affecting the treatment effect. Selection should be its price and performance of a comprehensive evaluation.

Preventing misunderstandings Understand whether the ozone generator contains gas source, containing gas source generator and does not contain gas source generator cost difference is very large. If you purchase an ozone generator without a gas source through the price advantage, you also need to match the gas source device may end up costing more money.2. Understand the structure of the generator form, whether it can be operated continuously, the ozone output concentration and other indicators. For example, you need an ozone generator for water purification, if you mistakenly choose an open ozone generator that can not be used. 3. Confirm that the ozone generator rated labeled output, is the use of air source labeled or the use of oxygen source labeled output. Because the ozone generator using oxygen source ozone production than the use of air source is twice as large, the cost difference between the two nearly double. Selection of ozone generator supply and demand should be a full range of communication to avoid going into the wrong area, do not take the price as the main reference to measure the ozone generator. Standby

For continuous work is not allowed to stop the place, the purchase of ozone generators should have a standby machine. According to the two with a backup, a backup principle of acquisition. Standby unit is mainly used in the process of equipment maintenance or repair alternately, to avoid downtime maintenance affect normal production.

Mixing method

From the world's ozone technology industry, the sterilization and purification of water treatment as the main market, and water purification ozone device including ozone source and gas-water mixing device two parts. The ozone generator should provide sufficient concentration and yield of ozone, mixing device with high efficiency to make ozone dissolved in water, that is, to achieve a certain degree of ozone solubility. Therefore, a good ozone generator must have excellent gas-water mixing device, so that the ozone can be efficiently mixed with water, so that the ozone solubility in water to meet the complete sterilization.

Comparison of several common mixing devices: traditional aeration method - a long history of traditional mixing methods. (Bubu gas plate method, bubble tower method is the same) mode of operation --- gas and water downstream, countercurrent or multi-stage tandem interlocking countercurrent, continuous operation or intermittent batch operation. Advantages: lower energy consumption. Disadvantages: uneven distribution of gas when the nozzle clogging, poor mixing, the need for large air compressors and expensive oxidation reaction tower.

Two, the famous Venturi jet mixing method --- safe and efficient mixing method.

Operation mode --- gas-water forced mixing. Advantages: less investment, good mixing, short contact time, the ozone concentration in the water after the jet mixer ozone can be several times the aeration method.

Three, gas-liquid forced mixing cavity --- safe, energy-saving, highly efficient mixing method, is improved on the basis of the Venturi jet mixer upgrade products.

Operation mode---Take full advantage of the turbulence of the water to generate a large negative pressure, the ozone inhalation, vortex, rotation and collision with each other in the mixing chamber. Proven by actual use, the first level of ozone absorption rate of more than 90%, in the case of the same ozone generation system, the ozone solubility in the water for the Venturi jet mixer about 2 times. Gas-liquid powerful mixing chamber outer body made of 304 stainless steel, the inner cavity is made of 316 stainless steel and some ozone-resistant ABS materials, SSLW series of inner cavity made of stainless steel and ozone-resistant PVDF materials, the product is rugged and durable, no mechanical failure maintenance-free, easy to run and install for the current investment in the least, the best mixing effect of the equipment.

To deal with larger amounts of water need to be customized. The size of the following table may be appropriate changes.

Four, gas-liquid mixing pump --- safe, highly efficient mixing method

Gas-liquid mixing pump suction port can be used to draw gas under negative pressure, high-speed rotation of the pump impeller will be mixed with the liquid and gas mixing and stirring, due to the pressurized mixing in the pump, the gas and the liquid are fully dissolved, high dissolution efficiency. A gas-liquid mixing pump can be gas-liquid attraction, mixing, dissolution and directly to the point of use of highly dissolved liquid.