Wear and Reliability over the Life Cycle of Equipment

To understand the life cycle and reliability of the equipment, we need to understand the famous "bathtub curve": at present, we believe that the typical failure distribution of the life cycle of the electronic equipment is in line with the "bathtub curve", which can be divided into three segments: the early failure segment, the constant (random or Early failure section, constant (random or accidental) failure section, and depletion failure section. Early failure section, also known as early failure stage. Early failure occurs in the early period of product life, product assembly is completed into the early failure period, which is characterized by a high failure rate, and with the increase in working time declines rapidly. Early failure is mainly due to manufacturing process defects and design defects exposure, such as raw material defects caused by poor insulation, welding defects caused by welding, improper assembly and adjustment caused by parameter drift, component defects caused by performance failure. Early failure can be exposed and eliminated by strengthening the inspection of raw materials and components, process inspection, different levels of environmental stress screening and other strict quality management measures. Constant failure section, also known as incidental failure section, the failure of the equipment by the internal components, parts and components of the random failure caused by the failure rate is characterized by low failure rate, relatively stable, and therefore is the main equipment work time. The wear and tear failure section is characterized by a rapid increase in the failure rate, resulting in a sharp increase in maintenance costs, and therefore scrapped. The cause of its failure is mainly caused by wear and tear, fatigue, aging, and wear and tear of structural parts and components. The so-called life cycle of the equipment should be understood as the time period before the wear and tear failure, the equipment can still work to achieve its reliability level, while the full life cycle of the wear and tear failure section is also included, the wear and tear failure period due to wear and tear lead to an increase in maintenance costs, repair is difficult to restore to the level of intrinsic reliability, it has been uneconomical to decommission the equipment scrapped. You can elaborate on the relationship between wear and reliability during the life cycle of a specific piece of equipment based on the above outline. I understand that wear and tear during this cycle has not reached the point of wear and tear, and that the factor that affects the level of reliability of the equipment is still the random failure of components, not wear and tear. For reference.