Research fields of the State Key Laboratory of Stomatology (Sichuan University)

According to the priority research field of population and health in the overall goal of scientific and technological development in 2020 promulgated by the state, combined with the development trend and latest frontier of stomatology at home and abroad, as well as the incidence characteristics and distribution of oral diseases in China, the State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases decided to focus on oral diseases that seriously endanger people's health and quality of life in China, and carry out basic research on pathogenesis and the application of new materials and technologies for prevention and treatment. Use new technologies and methods from life science, material science, engineering science, information science and other disciplines to solve major problems, focusing on the following four research directions to carry out innovative research work:

① Basic and technical research on tooth loss and defect restoration

This paper focuses on the tissue engineering of tooth regeneration, the synthesis and performance analysis of new dental ceramic restoration materials and biological tissue induction materials, and the study of oral bionic gradient functional restoration materials.

② Study on canceration of oral mucosa and metastasis of oral cancer.

Pay attention to the relationship between the biological mechanism of oral mucosal carcinogenesis and environmental factors; The biological significance of oral cancer-related marker genes, the mechanical characteristics of oral cancer cells and the relationship between the biological behavior of lymphatic endothelial cells around oral cancer and cancer metastasis.

③ Study on the mechanism of dentofacial congenital malformation.

This paper focuses on the genetic changes of congenital cleft lip and palate and its regulation mechanism, as well as the important basic problems of deformity morphology and functional reconstruction of dentofacial system.

④ Study on the pathogenesis of dental caries and new prevention and treatment techniques.

Focus on the oral ecological mechanism of dental caries and the material basis and pharmacological mechanism of natural drugs to prevent dental caries.