There are no less than 20 types of mineral water on the market. Mineral water refers to the source in the ground, by the natural emergence or artificial extraction of natural water sources, containing rich iron, calcium, sodium and magnesium. In the process of treatment, mineral water does not add minerals, carbon dioxide and so on. No chlorination or other treatment of the water is allowed, except for physical sterilization. In addition, it must be filled and sealed with automatic equipment to avoid contamination.
Generally speaking, purely from the ground, without artificial processing, filtered water can be called "natural mineral water", such as artificially extracting clean water from the ground, after a moderate sterilization process, that is, known as "general mineral water".
International standards for mineral water
Mineral water, such as international standards, the regulations are very strict.
First, the height: 50 to 2500 meters above sea level for spring water, 2500 meters above the mountain spring water.
Second, the source of water: within a radius of 10 kilometers can not have the existence of water pollution variables.
Three, the spring water must be naturally gushing out, filtered through other rock layers, and tested to be rich in natural minerals.
Four, must be in the origin of direct packaging, the best sealing cans also be completed within 24 hours to ensure that the cans are sterile, no pollution.
Fifth, the water quality must be tested continuously for about 10 years to determine the amount of minerals, and obtain the International Water Quality Association logo to confirm its stability.
Can be said to be the most widely adapted to the surface of the water beverage, after all, the trace elements of which the body needs, in addition to the nature of its pure water can be purely for the body to replenish the water, and does not add other substances affecting the body's condition, so anytime, anywhere you can drink. The mild nature of the mineral water will never make your body worse!
Spring water is a kind of drinking water in our country, Lu Yu in his book "tea" in the mountain, river water, well water, that is used to make tea water, from the mountain outflow of spring water is the best,
Spring water:
And in the general cognition of the people in our country, spring water is flowing through the mountains of non-polluted mountains, through the mountains of self-purification effect and the formation of natural drinking water. The natural drinking water. The source of water may come from rainwater, or from the ground, and exposed to the surface or flow in the shallow layers of the ground, the mountain in the layers of filtration and flow at the same time, but also dissolved in the human body beneficial minerals, although the mineral content is not as strict as the natural mineral water requirements, but compared to the depth of purified water or surface water from natural lakes and reservoirs, and tap water, etc., the beneficial micro-constituents are higher, but the same also on the level of cleanliness and safety of water quality. However, it also requires a higher level of cleanliness and safety.
Benefits of spring water:
1. Potassium, calcium and magnesium in the water are necessary to maintain the normal physiological functions of the human body.
2. Bicarbonate is good for promoting the recovery of gastrointestinal disorders.
3. Metasilicic acid helps calcification of bone and promotes growth and development.
4. Silicon has a role in atherosclerosis of the main arteries, reducing arthritis . Coronary heart disease rate.
5. Lithium has a regulatory effect on the central nervous system activities, can stabilize the mood, improve hematopoietic function, improve the body's immune function.
6. Natural spring water is very easy to be ingested by the body, is a comprehensive and complete source of mineral nutrition.
7. Natural spring water has adsorption properties for heavy metals, bacteria, organic matter and odor.