Can you build muscle and lose fat while lying down? U.S. FDA approved electromagnetic energy new treatment

Increase muscle fat is many fitness people continue to pursue the goal, and Taiwan in recent years the introduction of a has been in Europe and the United States, Japan, the implementation of the body sculpture instrument Emsculpt, claiming that non-invasive treatment, 4 sessions can increase muscle 16%, 19% fat loss, and was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Is this device an alternative to sweating it out at the gym? What principles does it utilize? Let's dive into this new technology.

Lying can also gain muscle and fat loss? FDA Approves New Electromagnetic Energy Treatment What is Emsculpt?

In the past, there have been a number of non-invasive devices used to reduce fat in aesthetic medicine, such as cryo fat reduction, but none of these techniques are applicable to muscle. Emsculpt is the first FDA-approved non-invasive treatment for muscle and fat reduction - in other words, it targets both muscle and fat issues.

Emsculpt, which lasts about 30 minutes per session, utilizes a panel placed over the abdomen or buttocks that transmits High-Intensity Focused Electromagic (HIFEM) to the muscles in the area where it is placed (i.e., the abdominal or gluteal muscles), triggering the motor neurons, causing overloaded muscle contractions, and boosting the muscle's internal structure. It triggers the motor neurons in the placed muscles (i.e. abdominal or gluteal muscles), resulting in over-extreme muscle contraction, and promotes deep reconstruction of the internal structure of the muscles to adapt to the extreme state, which can simultaneously achieve fat loss and muscle gain. However, it is important to note that the effect is localized, unlike many fitness movements that train the entire body at the same time.

Emsculpt uses a panel to deliver high intensity, focused electromagnetic energy to the muscles?

In addition, the separation of the rectus abdominis muscle is a common phenomenon for many pregnant and postpartum mothers. If the rectus abdominis muscle is separated for a long period of time, the flaccid abdomen may accumulate a large amount of fat, which will make the postpartum woman lose her figure, and may even lead to spinal pathology, back pain, and displacement of internal organs, and other problems. According to the clinical evidence, the treatment program 1 year after the average improvement of 11% rectus abdominis muscle separation.

Foreign medical institutions using Emsculpt claim that the instrument is non-invasive, non-heating, no free radiation, high security, because painless so users do not need anesthesia. Treatment 30 minutes up to 20,000 extreme muscle exercise, equivalent to do 20,000 times sit-ups. In addition to helping increase muscle mass, it also increases blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, and increases oxygenation. The expected results are usually seen within a few days of the treatment, and the duration varies depending on the individual condition.

Emsculpt device ? Dr. Yuting Lin Emsculpt use parts

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, Emsculpt is currently used in foreign countries mainly for the abdomen and buttocks, used in the abdomen, so that male and female users of abdominal flat, strengthen the six muscle lines; used in the buttocks, mostly to make the female buttocks rounded, buttocks, which is the U.S. FDA-approved non-surgical buttock lifting equipment; another can also be used to sculpt the arm (biceps and triceps), calves, thighs and other smaller parts of the line. However, the current license in Taiwan is only for the abdomen, and the buttocks are in the process of being applied for.

Emsculpt is only approved for use on the abdomen in Taiwan? Dr. Yuting Lin Who is suitable for Emsculpt?

Men and women who are healthy and within their ideal weight range can benefit the most from the treatment, with the criteria being that the user does not have too much excess fat in the abdominal muscles, and a Body Mass Index (BMI) of less than 30 is recommended. In addition, for people who suffer from illnesses and pain that prevent them from exercising, Emsculpt can enhance their core muscle strength.

Taiwan has introduced the device to the diffuse cloud thinking clinic medical director, former Wan Fang Medical Center dermatology attending physician Lin Yuting pointed out that most of the people who accept this course of treatment, their own BMI in the average value between, and has been trying to exercise and weight training for many years, and they accept this course of treatment purpose is to, so that their own six-pack abdominal muscles more obvious and clear.