Volkswagen Lanyard Bluetooth how to connect it

Volkswagen Ranger Bluetooth how to connect it respectively open the cell phone and car Bluetooth device Bluetooth function, the cell phone's Bluetooth settings are set to "visible to all", and then in the cell phone to search for Bluetooth devices, find the choice of pairing to connect to enter the pairing code, pairing is completed after the connection is successful. In-vehicle Bluetooth is a wireless hands-free system designed and developed based on wireless Bluetooth technology. The Bluetooth technology in the car Bluetooth system is inherited from the Bluetooth technology of the cell phone and has the same transmission system. The function of in-car Bluetooth is to recognize the cell phone automatically. Users can talk through the car stereo and connect to their cell phones without cables or phone stands. Car owners can control their cell phones without touching them, and can even put their hands on the steering wheel and use voice commands to control answering or making calls. Bluetooth technology is an open global specification for wireless data and voice communications based on a low-cost, short-range wireless connection that establishes a special connection for communication environments between fixed and mobile devices. Its essence is for the communication environment between fixed devices or mobile devices to establish a common radio empty interface, and further communication technology and computer technology, so that a variety of 3C devices can communicate or work with each other in a short distance, without wires and cables. In short, Bluetooth technology is a technology that uses low-power radio to transmit data between various 3C devices. Bluetooth uses the IEEE802.11 protocol and operates in the general-purpose 2.4GHz ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) band. As a new short-range wireless communication technology, it is giving a big boost to the development of low-rate wireless personal area networks.

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