The on-board equipment of the U.S. UH-60 helicopter, LAMPSMk I mission equipment, includes: Marconi Canada LN-66HP surveillance radar, General Instrument AN/ALR-66A(V)1 radar warning/electronic support equipment, Tridaine AN/ASN-150 tactical management system, two Collins AN/ARC-159( V)1 UHF radio communications radios, Texas Instruments AN/ASQ-81(V)2 magnetic anisotropy detectors, AN/UYS-503 sound processors, AN/ARR-84 sonobuoy receivers and AN/ARN-146 overflight target indicators, AN/AKT-22(V)6 sonar data transmission lines, 15 DIFAR and DICASS sonobuoys, AN/ALE-39 foil spreader, and AN/ASQ-188 torpedo preconditioner.
The U.S. Navy has optional self-defense equipment on the SH-2G, including a Hughes AN/AAQ-16 forward-looking infrared detection system, a Saunders AN/ALQ-144 infrared jammer, a Roland AN/AAR-47 missile warning device, and a Collins AN/ARC-182 very-high-frequency/ultra-high-frequency classified radio.
There are torpedo or fuel tank mounts on both sides of the fuselage, and an outrigger beam on the right side for a magnetic anomaly detector. There is external cargo with a carrying capacity of 1,814 kg and an externally mounted collapsible rescue winch with a carrying capacity of 272 kg.
Weapons One or two Mk46 or Mk50 torpedoes, eight Mk25 maritime smoke markers. One 7.62mm machine gun can be mounted outside each side hatch.