What are the main manifestations of myasthenia gravis?

1, extraocular muscle involvement performance. One or both sides of the eyelid ptosis, diplopia, strabismus and so on. (Simple eyelid ptosis type is called "ptosis" or "plagiocephaly", "dipping wind", "eyelid ptosis", etc. It is the most common form of myasthenia gravis, "lid waste", etc., is a type of myasthenia gravis with the most manifestations.) We can see that the patient's eyelids can't be lifted up, so the eye fissure is small, or one eye is big and the other is small, and the eyeballs rotate inflexibly, or even can't be moved, and see things in double shadows.

2. Facial expression muscles and masticatory muscles are affected. Eyes closed tight, the patient's face expressionless, often see a bitter smile face, known as "mask-like face", some can not puff up the cheeks can not blow, chewing weakness when eating, especially into the dry food is more serious.

3, limb muscle groups involved in the performance. When the upper limbs are involved, the arms are weak, combing hair, brushing teeth, dressing difficult; lower limbs are involved, up and down the stairs, the legs are weak, can't lift, lifting things when the lower limbs feel fatigue and weakness, on the steps or on the bus **** car difficulty easy to fall, get off the bus or downstairs easy to fall, squatting down after getting up difficult to walk difficult, and so on.

4, the medulla oblongata muscle (including the swallowing muscle) involved in the performance. Spitting, speech is not favorable, speech nasal, tongue out and movement is not effective, so that food in the mouth stirring difficulties, speech sound, will also be extended with the speech time, and gradually become smaller, in severe cases, the patient only lip movement can not hear the sound, food swallowing is particularly difficult to eat a meal takes a long time to drink water is also easy to choke and cough, the heavy water out of the nostrils, and so on.

5, neck muscle involvement performance. Neck soreness and weakness, head heavy, and head vertical difficulty, the head against the wall or hanging down after rest has improved. Respiratory muscle groups involved in the manifestation of: patients early manifestation of exertion activities after shortness of breath, serious sitting still, rest also feel short of breath, chest tightness, dyspnea, lips purple, and even life-threatening.

6, myasthenia gravis crisis. Patients with myasthenia gravis, if the respiratory muscle weakness occurs suddenly, so that can not maintain the function of gas exchange, known as myasthenia gravis, myasthenia gravis crisis for myasthenia gravis disease itself to the development of myasthenia gravis crisis in myasthenia gravis accounted for about 95% of the manifestation of the whole body skeletal muscle weakness, difficulty in swallowing, cough can not be, respiratory distress until the cessation of respiration.